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- Miscellaneous talk #45 Quarto guy, Overleaf's markdown mode?, Flymake, Mailing lists, CRAN
- OKR #12
- How I prepare ICA papers (version 2024): Style
- Miscellaneous talk #45 reasonable request, Genitiv, otherness, C2, two-leg chair, Leib, Ten Watch, Foreign, Italiano
- A note about a bug in irr::kripp.alpha()
- Ubuntu to Fedora and back
- Miscellaneous talk #44 Without social media, a month later
- Mastodon: A Consolatio
- MASHINA G is released, or a blog post about the German language
- OKR #11
- PIKR-033 is released and some thoughts
- My recent spiritual retreat: Writing a video game
- Non-API calls conundrum, CRAN, cpp11, minty, true length, vendoring, readODS
- German B2 #2
- German B2 #1
- OKR #10
- The tool situation 2023 Q4: shell, dirvish, expand-region, iPhone SE
- The real toll
- The missing Q&A of 'An Org-Mode based text adventure game for learning the basics of Emacs, inside Emacs, written in Emacs Lisp'
- How I prepare ICA papers (version 2023): emacs, overleaf, literate programming
- Extending R with C #3: still cnchar(), but with vectorization
- rang 0.3.0 or why computational reproducibility is not about recipes
- C++ Q&A for R package developers
- Current thinking about writing R (2/2): Free as in mummies
- Benchmark of R file formats using rio and friends
- Current thinking about writing R (1/2): Clarity
- rio 1.0.0
- readODS 2.1.0
- 10 years of rio
- R performance tuning #3
- R performance tuning #2
- Jekyll theme: profdr 0.0.3
- R performance tuning #1
- readODS 2.0.0
- OKR #9
- Building the Crappyverse #2: cnchar()
- Building the Crappyverse #1: ccat()
- Don't use paste() to handle JSON
- On i3(WM)
- On Sway(WM)
- readODS 1.8 is released and a hard lesson learned
- On the replaceability of my job by AI
- On StumpWM, AwesomeWM, and xmonad
- On the idea of executable research compendium
- Tom's Diner, rang, Bioconductor for nonbioinformaticians, or my preconceptions about dependencies are wrong
- The oldest R version one can still run today
- Rust is fast, but how fast (vs R)?
- OKR #8
- Towards descriptive branch names with git
- Projekt 71
- Advent of emacs #25: How I write a postscript in emacs
- Advent of emacs #24: How I approach emacs
- Advent of emacs #23: How I do many things with C-q in emacs
- Advent of emacs #22: How I do ebook reading in emacs
- Advent of emacs #21: How I do emacs command creation in emacs
- Advent of emacs #20: How I do context separation in emacs
- Advent of emacs #19: How I do "note taking" in emacs
- Advent of emacs #18: How I do R package development in emacs
- Advent of emacs #17: How I do R programming in emacs
- Advent of emacs #16: How I use the online LaTeX editor Overleaf in emacs
- Advent of emacs #15: How I do citation in emacs
- Advent of emacs #14: How I do academic writing in emacs
- Advent of emacs #13: How I do bibliography management in emacs
- Advent of emacs #12: How I do version control in emacs
- Advent of emacs #11: How I do system administration in emacs
- Advent of emacs #10: How I do theming in emacs
- Advent of emacs #9: How I type formulaic things in emacs
- Advent of emacs #8: How I find information about emacs in emacs
- Advent of emacs #7: How I type special characters in emacs
- Advent of emacs #6: How I use (and fix) GUI emacs
- Advent of emacs #5: How I use shell in emacs
- Advent of emacs #4: How I launch emacs
- Advent of emacs #3: How I do literate configuration in emacs
- Advent of emacs #2: How I make commands more discoverable in emacs
- Advent of emacs #1: How I do package management in emacs
- An autoethnography on searching for the meaning of a 'single word'
- rtoot and functional programming
- A story about a hyphen
- My webscraping inferno
- My teaching career (2019): A Consolatio
- In your forties
- 9-Euro Ticket and summer of travels
- OKR #7 and my grumpiness
- Gaming laptops: A rant
- I am horrible at introducing myself
- My Twitter addiction
- Academic Twitter (Satire)
- Developing the profdr academic theme and musing of 90s homepage design
- OKR #6
- Top 5 most important textual analysis methods papers of the year 2020
- The evolution of my WFH computers
- 2021 Wrapped: R edition
- An R Package Developer Prepares
- Five ways I use Git / Github
- I can't believe this blog is 20 years old
- How I prepare ICA papers (or other APA papers): papaja, condensebib, trackdown
- A One-person Agenda for Open Review in Communication
- Dockerize oolong, or dockerize any Shiny app
- Structure and Interpretation of Software Testability
- OKR #5 and read #8
- Make science boring but attractive again
- OKR #4
- Read #7: Science, clear, low countries, graduate school, English, C++
- C++ as a second language from an R programmer's perspective
- OKR #3
- Wie repariert man einen Trackball (oder eine Maus, oder ein Zeigegerät)?
- Read #6: Media, Tyranny, Racism
- Adaptive researcher series #1: how to overengineer your bibliography management (for good)
- Read #5: Clash of Civilizations, Data Science, Welfare for Autocrats
- Side projects: a very academic love (& hate) story
- Learning enough elisp development to be dangerous: ess_rproj
- readODS 1.7 is released
- OKR #2
- Learning enough front-end development to be dangerous: cranitup and hansolo
- Read #4: Misinfo, Castells, Twitter
- How to create virtual conference videos: A practical guide
- OKR and Read 2019 #3 (the Corona edition): Affective, EOS, OLPC
- Read 2019 #2: Journalism, Craft of Research, Social History of Media
- Read 2019: Political Communication, Post-Discipline, Write a lot
- Top 5 most important textual analysis methods papers of the year 2019
- Objectives and Key Results
- 密室 II
- Conference reports (ICA, useR!, IC2S2)
- Academic conferences: a survival guide for introverts
- Week 8: Super simple bayesian statistical inference with R
- 學術會議, na schönen Dank auch!
- Week 7: Creation of semantic networks
- Week 6: Wrapping API queries with an R6 class
- 超越
- Week 5: Forecasting the future of this blog using time series analysis
- 2018 年的社交媒體與我
- Week 4: Wer ist der stärkste Jäger bei Gefragt Gejagt?
- Week 3: Shell aliasing for R programmers
- Kann ich einen Blogeintrag auf Deutsch schreiben?
- Week 2: RMarkdown, Hugo, Jekyll
- 消費主義是種病
- Week 1: To make use of Rocker for reproducible data analysis
- Prague
- 17 周年紀念:為何我還要維護這個網站獨立
- 一年總結:心結
- Schrödinger‘s corrections: how papers are screwed by the publishers
- 我看見太多相熟面 在轉眼間流逝遠遠
- 德文幼稚園畢業
- Reflections of my 2018 ICA conference #2: How to be a better computational researcher?
- Reflections of my 2018 ICA conference #1: How to be a better presenter?
- ich drücke dir die Daumen
- Deutsche Sprache schwere Sprache
- Große Veränderungen (Das Zweite)
- Große Veränderungen (Das Erste)
- 我沒有我沒有沒有
- Künstler Intelligenz für Deutsch lernen
- Ein Monat später
- Learning German the Hard Way
- Neue Frende
- A New Career in a New Town
- 曼海姆/德國/香港
- 重新出發,由Wordpress到Jekyll
- Around the Europe in 20 trash #3 曼海姆/海德堡篇上
- Around the Europe in 20 trash #2 阿姆斯特丹篇下
- Around the Europe in 20 trash #1 阿姆斯特丹篇上
- 兩公司提供的商品價格有極高的相關性等於有合謀操控價格?
- 德文幼稚園之學德文兩個月
- 德文幼稚園之學德文一個月
- 德國二線城市曼海姆給時常要爭世界第一的香港之啟示
- 論雨傘革命之失敗
- 數據新聞的十二夜
- 聽音樂不能單靠電視或 YouTube...
- 傳媒跟住錯之粗口歌就黃秋生(而這是一篇有關音樂的文章)
- 小朋友齊打 Wii [沒錯今年是 2015 年]
- Racket Workshop @ HKOSCon 2015
- 六四悼念是手段?
- 每天都是九二九
- 假如你覺得我是維穩新聞的 FAQ
- 我作為寫歌人
- Old Thinkpad is so bricking
- 讓無力無聲者出聲
- New phone is so exciting
- Old Thinkpad is so exciting 下集
- Old Thinkpad is so exciting 上集
- Old phone is so exciting
- 最有價值的電視演員一文的FAQ
- 佔領時代的facebook專頁版塊一文的 FAQ
- 朗貪撈絲
- Rhythm workshop: a reflection
- 我在學甚麼新聞學
- 雜談 #43 更加空虛
- 雜談 #42 空虛
- Demo: 旋轉木馬
- 有無用
- 1992 年夏
- Baritone Uke
- 智人手機
- 世界盃預測
- 聽音樂
- 雜談 #41 六四雜談
- 當領袖的那種民主
- 仆你個街
- open up the medicine chest
- 從不存在的公平世界
- 班房舊事之音樂堂唱流行曲
- 雜談 #40
- 小調的一些樂理
- HKOSC 2014 R Workshop
- 寫歌 #2
- 寫歌
- 你玩統計,統計玩你 #2
- 你玩統計,統計玩你
- 抗爭建議: 和理非非但本土派都應該 buy - 佔領屋企
- Cheap man editor
- 生計
- 雜談 #39 假*BC
- 懷舊港 blog 當年情 #1
- 3000 日前的互聯網
- 雜談 #38 我的 2013
- 夾野
- Software-on-CV
- 雜談 #37 EBM
- emacs keyboard macro
- Unix utilities #4: Kill process by name
- 工作上三大悶棍字眼
- 2013 NaNoWriMo
- 雜談 #36 Never assume anything
- On speaking English
- 彼德麥花臣
- 揭示華麗背後的她
- 破琴記
- 雜談 #35
- 轉址通告 chainsawriot.com
- 薄大入學記
- Lemon Tree
- 真的要來了 HKRUG[1]
- 一九八九 #5 良知
- 《傾城》勘誤表
- 《傾城》: 而我竟這樣無知
- 一九八九 #4 失蹤
- 抗爭建議:和理非非佔領loop環
- 一九八九 #3 挖掘遺骨
- 一九八九 #2 六八九
- 一九八九 #1 烈士九泉恨茫茫
- 若你只能聽一張 Beyond 唱片
- 我和它的第一個或第二個六月
- 無聊筆記: 公農曆轉換法 #2
- 民主和社會秩序不應是零和遊戲
- 無聊筆記: 公農曆轉換法 #1
- 如果香港能選擇 - No
- 以戰迫和
- 政治光譜
- FizzBuzz
- 十年魔咒...嗎?
- 齊燒鬚:你的底線是?
- 專注力競爭
- R intermediate
- 如何量度「愛國愛港」?
- Your voice on Hong Kong R Usergroup
- Bradford Hill's criteria
- emu.py
- 雜談 #34
- 仆街冧港及福建中國人
- Raspberry Pi 心得集結 #1
- 歡迎特首告我誹謗 - 誠信問題已非要害 梁氏涉黑實可雙規
- 香港租金的摩爾定律
- GPA 何價
- 過氣的 concept - Netbook
- 大數迷思參考文獻
- 雜談 #33 失憶諒解備忘錄
- Avex best' 96 - 2000 柒歌大回顧
- 雜談 #32: 我的 2012 (下)
- I miss you all
- 雜談 #31: 我的 2012 (上)
- I don't trust my mental calculation
- Random R code to teach statistics #1 k x 2 x 2 array
- Unix utilities #3: conversion of RGB to CMYK
- 假如我是斌仔 2012
- 《ATV 焦點》投訴有效嗎?
- 雜談 #30
- NaNoWriMo 2012 #4
- On Shell Script
- 雜談 #29: Lightning talk
- NaNoWriMo 2012 #3
- NaNoWriMo 2012 #2
- NaNoWriMo 2012 #1
- NaNoWriMo 2012
- 微小說:西環心戰室
- 每天 Kraftwerk
- Hong Kong Your Hong Kong #1
- 葉劉你真係仆街喇!
- Logo 與 Computer Science #3
- Logo 與 Computer Science #2
- Logo 與 Computer Science #1
- Traveling Chainsaw Problem
- 存在的不存在
- What I cannot create, I do not understand
- 雜談 #28
- 先有結論,再如釣魚般抓取證據 的「自縊」《調查報告》
- Openbox
- 「泛民大敗?」-流行病學的 Standardization 概念
- 立法會選舉勝算分析埋單計數
- 電腦模擬的「立法會選舉勝算分析」 ﹣方法及全港結果
- 一人一地蓆大作戰
- 密室
- 傾城
- 別跟我談戰略
- 拮穿卓
- 請你好好放低
- 精英恶鬥:逆向工程
- 豐子愷
- 最好的年代
- 《傾城》與紀律
- 一個月(最少)一本港產小說:《人形軟件卷二生死之輪》
- 品味停滯十五年的香港
- 《大豐收》新書發佈會
- 愛上你是我一生的錯
- 一個月(最少)一本港產小說:《香港關機》
- 2012 年燭光晚會人數我的推算法
- 雜談 #27
- 推倒重來
- 立法會到底還有甚麼作用?
- 中文 text processing #2
- 連載的難度
- 一塊紅布
- 中文 text processing #1
- Higher-order functions in functional programming languages in R
- 《大豐收》推出及其他
- Vectorization of lookup tasks in R
- 雜談 #26: Emacs and Tramp
- Emacs customization
- 雜談 #25 Me, Myself,Python and Shit
- Python's list comprehension
- 如今逆風 豪邁的奔遠 重拾心內真 撞碎風千串
- 雜談 #24 兩月兩辭職信
- A study of Urank algorithm
- Udacity CS 101 完成
- 雜談 #23 異鄉人
- How people say my name
- 推理小說講義
- 《大豐收》 teaser trailer
- 二零零四鄭經翰,二零一二全港人
- 爆裂都市
- 圈子遊戲
- Unix utilities #2
- 人大政協提名情況
- 無作提名選委人數及比例
- 選委提名比例
- The really complete CE nomination data
- The quest for complete data on Election Committee
- 雜談 #22
- Born to Die: 唐英年為何要為梁振英在不公義的選舉拉票?
- Udacity: Sudoku
- Web scraping using R
- 時常忘記倉頡/簡易碼中文字列表
- Unix utilities #1
- 【舊文】了解清楚 恐慌不遲
- Data on CE nomination 2012
- 雜談 #21 - Master of Arts in Research Assistant Job Interview
- 0-1 Knapsack problem #1
- 雜談 #20 挑骨式讀報
- 碩士級統計教育
- Order of magnitude
- 雜談 #19
- Stupid Machine Learning problem #1, part 1
- Death Race 2000
- 雜談 #18: Step out of my comfort zone
- 雜談 #17
- 引號的用法
- 為何沒有人和我玩 Scrabble
- 罕有
- Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit: a computer simulation
- S4 programming: iterated prisoners' dilemma
- Tichu
- Academia in Venn diagram
- Caylus 這個 Game
- inverse function
- Org2blog testing
- 口是心非
- 單一魔鬼論
- 什麼人訪問什麼人﹕我們都是社會派
- 【舊文】兩分鐘也嫌多?
- 1993 年一月金曲大回顧
- 雜談 #16
- Mind Mapping
- 學界的黑霧
- 雜談 #15
- 獻醜影片 #1
- 罕有在報刊上的統計學討論
- B 哥哥
- 名店阻拍照事件的合理懷疑
- Phantom of the Opera 社會派修改版
- 雜談 #14: My plan for 2012
- Algorithmic Cluedo
- Project Gutenberg
- 雜談 #13 我的 2011
- Newton-Raphson #3 optim()
- Newton-Raphson #2
- Newton-Raphson #1
- trial&error #1 KDE and YUM
- Gradient Descent #2
- Gradient Descent #1
- Papercut #2: 蒙古症
- Papercut #1: Cohort
- 乾塘
- 查字典: [U]
- War is over, if you want it.
- The anatomy of meta-analysis #2
- The anatomy of meta-analysis #1
- What I've learnt from ml-class
- 雜談 #12
- 微小說: 全宇宙最美味美食
- Pronounciation of CH
- Paul Meier
- Matlab style matrix creation in R, kinda...
- 戒毒
- 偽工程師
- 雜談 #11
- This blog in Venn diagram
- 《流水》雜誌第二期
- -oo sound
- Teach myself linear algebra using R #2
- Epidemiology / Biostatistics, reading the classics
- 雜談 #10
- Elision
- Teach myself linear algebra using R #1
- 無線翡翠台一天有幾多線劇
- 《大豐收》得獎
- 雜談 #9
- 艱難的投票
- 雜談 #8.1
- 雜談 #8
- 雜談 #7
- RIP, John McCarthy
- 十年
- 喬布斯是另類療法失敗例子
- Relational division
- Empowering minds
- 這是給你的鞭策
- Install binary version of Octave for Mac OS X
- 雜談 #6
- RIP, Dennis Ritchie
- Stress placement in complex words
- Joy of learning #2
- 自由軟件與 SJ
- Accidental research assistant
- 不適合的應該不做
- 雜談 #5
- 《流水》雜誌創刊號
- Hit or miss what's mine is yours. Stick or twist the choice is yours.
- 雜談 #4
- 初步發表版 csx 1.07
- 何德何能
- 雜談 #3
- 鍵盤大戰
- 雜談 #2
- Loser
- 薯嘜瘋
- 雜談 #1
- 李克強給香港的藥
- 無片播的領導人訪港新聞
- 我的偏頭痛史
- 香港大學唔再係香港嘅大學
- 換芯
- 阻x住晒的李克強
- 幼稚園及小學的我好蠢
- 圓夢之二
- 圓夢之一
- Michael Crichton - The Great Train Robbery
- John Grisham - The Pelican Brief
- 選損吮
- 洗牙與味道
- 山崎豐子《暖簾》
- 橫山秀夫《半自白》
- 小錯事
- 動車及御巢鷹山空難
- 大妄想
- 小錯字 #7 大結局
- 作家第一課
- 小錯字 #6
- 膚淺的社會派小說改篇電影
- 小錯字 #5
- 山崎豐子《不沉的太陽》
- 腳踏實地
- 小錯字 #4
- 有性格o既你就唔會再咁核突
- 趙紫陽與江澤民
- Data visualization: 每秒幾多人出維園
- 遊行人數再來
- 遊行人數的意義
- 補選只是犧牲者
- STFU Yahoo! News Hong Kong 油猴
- 小錯字 #3
- 唱左打專
- 2003 vs 2011
- 警員殉職失控 哈雅公主難辭其咎
- 航空
- 失敗者所給的書寫建議
- 參加比賽
- 真真正正的 Punk
- 橫山秀夫《登山者》
- 微小說:護士站的安魂曲
- 微小說:四十年前的真相
- 廿二年前的今天,他說:
- 火柴與肺癌
- 一年結結他
- 我的偽術自白(下)﹣終篇
- 我的偽術自白(中) – 中學篇
- 我的偽術自白(上) - 小學篇
- 為什麼做不到下一個松本清張?
- 徐立之口中的數字遊戲
- 再論《大豐收》 - 令人憎惡的 mediocre
- 曾道人、白小姐六合彩貼士
- 國民教育大哉問
- 別當讓你的流行病學還給教授們
- 陰性愛滋病與 Casuality
- License
- 8÷9(6+4)=?
- Desktop junk
- Thor hates Foo Fighters!
- Ditch the optical drive
- 現實的 R: descriptive statistics
- Pretty hugh *ick
- Flame war 片面觀察
- Unity, seriously?
- Fructose
- How to rewrite ugly R code #2
- 從今早不小心撞她心口講起
- How to rewrite ugly R code #1
- 教育片面觀察
- Retrospective case series
- Evolution of manpower in HA
- 5 克的福音
- 煩男
- 從公共衛生角度看核輻射事故
- 鄭炳南的民主
- Afraid of Recursion
- 有關核輻射的三年級數學
- 死宅仔玩的網上遊戲
- Mediasaurus
- 茉莉花革命可防核輻射 - 請廣傳
- 香港核輻射不是公共衛生災難
- Facebook suicide
- 微小說:津波警報三十秒
- Stupid computer game #2
- Stupid computer game #1
- 鬧八歲童老母的心理學
- 令人抓頭的漢文版《零的焦點》
- 政治一天都嫌多
- 濫用專門名詞的 Crichton
- Humanity in Big Beat
- Auld Lang Syne
- 微小說: Mary
- 民意可以強姦
- Steve Jobs 、我、十年
- 全民派錢
- 微小說:離奇殘酷襲擊事件
- 維穩的香港新浪
- 私人 playlist
- Python confusion #1
- 一顆書釘
- 嫖客預算案
- 麥樂雞問題 #2 R Ver.
- 麥樂雞問題 #2 Python ver.
- 麥樂雞問題 #1
- Joy of learning
- 微小說:恐聚族
- 利比亞屠殺三百人不是新聞
- Watson
- 小錯字 #2
- 從前有個人叫莫大毛
- 寶萊與科萊
- 魚與熊掌的電子書
- 小錯字 #1
- 你又學人寫盆菜
- 針對性的恭賀說話
- Business as usual 的農曆新年
- 兔年觀望
- 00s 標汗組合大回顧
- 廿四年前
- 船到橋頭自仆直
- 船到橋頭就會曲
- 純粹報道-中大聖經流感文章事件
- 廣州話的確最妙
- 兩篇小乜乜
- 小裂縫(下)
- 小裂縫(中)
- 小裂縫(上)
- 神喻與祭司
- 數學常識 #1 APR
- 小昏迷(下)
- 所謂聖誕
- 舞會變昏迷
- 天人兩茫
- 小昏迷(中)
- 小昏迷(上)
- 陳大力、陳秀男大回顧
- Writing rant. Linux and Chinese word processing
- 空櫈
- On revision
- 擊落米格機
- 大豐收 Epilogue - 誰享成果的豐收?
- 講東話
- Backgammon, rubber style
- 寫在《大豐收》快要終結之前: 《大漩渦》及《大豐收》
- My first classical guitar song (and my first GNU Lilypond attempt)
- 讓 R 在 Shell 中行
- 香港仔溺斃案
- 為了感謝大豐收連載以來讀者的唯一 comment
- Proxy 大作戰
- 唔好意思
- 假如和平獎得主是溫家寶
- 山寨 Anobii
- 約克
- 大豐收 Prologue
- 《大豐收》連載預告
- 社會派推理小說習作創作後記
- 社會派推理小說習作 #20 大結局
- 陳慧琳 90s 柒爆出道大回顧
- 社會派推理小說習作 #19c
- 社會派推理小說習作 #19b
- 社會派推理小說習作 #19a
- My emacs cheatsheet
- 社會派推理小說習作 #18
- 社會派推理小說習作 #17
- 社會派推理小說習作 #16
- 社會派推理小說習作 #15
- 社會派推理小說習作 #14
- 七色部落光榮結業
- 社會派推理小說習作 #13
- 社會派推理小說習作 #12
- 社會派推理小說習作 #11
- 全民最大棋
- Anatomy of a successful meme
- 社會派推理小說習作 #10
- 大控訴的大控訴 ﹣ Spoiler alert
- 社會派推理小說習作 #9
- 假消息 II 之 memetics
- 假消息
- 社會派推理小說習作 #8
- 社會派推理小說習作 #7
- RTV 大控訴
- 社會派推理小說習作 #6
- 社會派推理小說習作 #5
- 社會派推理小說習作 #4
- 社會派推理小說習作 #3
- 社會派推理小說習作 #2
- 社會派推理小說習作 #1
- 社會派推理小說設定
- No sex until marriage
- Resetting live
- 歸去來兮
- 幾許風雨
- 大整肅<第十回>
- 初班
- A game analysed #4
- Stupid Monte Carlo
- 阿 Paul - Final
- [iMOM]捍衛廣東話
- 阿 Paul #2
- 阿 Paul #1
- Mein Kampf
- A game analysed (professional) #3
- 出賣豬狗
- 豈有此理
- 棋暈
- 2012 果然只是可以呼喚最多市民的口號
- Reductio ad Cultural Revolutionum
- 改良再改良
- 2012 找找看
- 這是丐題嗎?
- 抽水學
- Metaphor II
- 新浪微博挑機實驗
- 中國網站維護日
- 民主女神是日疑問
- 自由仍是會開花
- 自殺論
- Metaphor
- 電視辯論
- 我唔係你個囡
- 公投收皮
- 流行病學及 HPV 疫苗
- A game analysed #2
- 冰冷的香港
- 反思詩
- 90s 寶記柒歌大回顧
- 1986
- 民主非萬能
- 黑夜
- Baloney Detection Kit
- 即使天天也在變
- 從無到有
- More on Backgammon #3
- More on Backgammon #2
- 舞台創作話劇 在放一朵小白花
- 侮辱
- 後會有期
- A game analysed #1
- 不屈
- More on Backgammon #1
- 趙連海
- 贈慶
- 天堂與地獄
- 七色部落:跳棋
- 大東亞共榮圈
- 亂想:獻媚經濟學
- Blah: what you should expect from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- 康
- PhD 開獎趨勢 #1
- P-value, again and again.
- Schwa
- P-Value, again.
- Chess Variants
- Hacker
- 我話土佬 Johnny 認真 Cool
- 誓要奔向夢想那綠茵
- Target population
- Oh Hell
- 拼音:Zip, think
- Impromptu R code
- 2x2 答案
- 因開之名
- 尿道炎之都的誕生
- 海誓山盟
- 雷公劈友除世害
- 模擬虎年搶閘嬰兒訪問
- 反調
- 何必講粗口
- 假七色部落:花札
- 七色部落:東莞牌
- 英語由英文字母學起
- Programmed data entry #1
- 中文一分鐘之焦媛應有「實驗期」
- 唔係咩 X 檔案
- 冷血的公共衛生 III
- 數碼村落
- 中文一分鐘
- 港獨原來話咁易
- Democracy is about choice
- Causality
- 政治語言的心智
- 人撚最多o係香港!
- 法治
- 暴虐不仁。自作妖孽。時運極滯。非改不可。
- 脫力
- Migraineur's computer
- 北京出兵囉
- Risk: Reinvention (2009)
- 逆轉勝
- 問卷
- 80後
- 漆黑將不再面對
- 野貓七一精神
- 00s is a decade of cultural emptiness
- 數據
- 路
- 結
- 暫停更新
- Data visualization: Interpretation hierarchy
- 七色部落:雙陸棋
- 做完先講
- 佐治午餐
- 2009 年大事回顧
- 珠珠唔上 MSN 陳辭
- Risk
- 怎樣邊緣化香港?
- 《宮心計》令人心悸
- Palin & Scrabble
- 甦醒何妨從頭開始
- 無聊事一二三:保密
- 偽公投之二
- 《2012 陞官圖》「政改」芻議
- 2012 陞官圖
- Made of fire
- 研磨 II
- 研磨
- Scrabble: Spatial
- 仆街默示錄
- 星塵
- 七色部落:紅心
- 瞎子摸「禮儀小姐」
- 公廁機的 Vista
- Boxplot
- 1977
- 中文熱
- Scrabble again
- 經濟第一動物
- 無聊 Probability/統計/genetic答案 #3
- 無聊 Probability/統計/genetic問題 #3
- 窮得只剩下樓
- 只有死人才明白
- Scrabble go Pro!
- 特首給肥醫生的簡覆
- 香港陳水扁 II
- 邏輯錯亂
- 香港陳水扁
- 明報、鍾南山、統計學
- 問我悲哭聲有幾多
- 民智論之二:科學及不科學
- 食物
- 大見解
- 一萬蚊
- limitation
- 甘乃威將被唧牙膏
- 長尾捐贈: Samoa Tsunami Relief
- Controlled violence
- 無聊統計學問題 #2x2
- Reversi
- Don't extrapolate
- 他不是臼井儀人
- 戰勝心魔
- 七色部落
- 七個為甚麼
- 2450
- 劉華柒歌大回顧
- 簡易輸入法
- 偽公投之一
- 15 電影
- 我們的 German Bridge
- 長尾捐贈:器官捐贈
- 文字的貶值
- 起底
- 學生驗毒能夠測到的機會率
- 支持朱凱迪
- Deducer
- 膠
- 革
- Quality of life
- 趨勢安
- 毛
- Paradox of fear II
- 吉伯利
- 報道精債 vs 報道流感
- 坐言起行
- 論興趣
- 口慾期
- Gulja 屠殺
- 無聊統計學答案 #1
- 無聊統計學問題 #1
- 大整肅〈第九回〉
- 野貓七一遊行 #2
- 野貓七一遊行 #1
- 亞視迪士尼 2
- FB, 微博 megamix 六月
- 也說 MJ
- Data visualization of swine flu epidemic in Hong Kong #2
- 袁國勇是否已被架空?
- Alternative Visualization of Swine Flu Epidemic in Hong Kong
- 正生書院到大生圍辦學
- 另一篇留言當博文之正生書院
- 摘星研究
- 碩士論文完成
- 民主中國
- 四位一諤
- 何謂屠城
- 爭產
- 人血唔係胭脂
- 英語一分鐘
- 香港需要醫生
- Stream of conscious
- 社會壓力
- 大整肅〈第八回〉
- 隔離應該隔幾代?
- Taken this one as a science fiction
- 代表滿清
- 公安呼籲
- 大整肅〈第七回〉
- 轉貼:四二六社論
- 沒有他,很想去捕捉他
- Data frame
- Wordpress 應否轉用 Postgresql
- 駁《言論自由的曲解與謬用》
- Crichton
- 六四怎樣平反
- 大整肅〈第六回〉
- 無聊問題
- 圖
- 國際金融中心
- Victim blaming
- 做個勇敢港大人
- 精神.二
- 大整肅〈第五回〉
- 大整肅〈第四回〉
- 精神
- From state of fear to the art of peer reviewing
- 教宗好像又仆街
- 死仆街
- 仆街
- 政治正確與集體虛偽
- 作戰成功
- 我 Geek 但我不電車 II
- 我 Geek 但我不電車
- 混
- 醫學馬多夫
- 釣魚台
- 吸煙有害係人都知
- GC!J 開發終止
- 受過傷先知道要堅強
- R, Latex
- Medicalization
- 報道匯控 vs 報道藥丸
- NIH Public Access Policy
- Paradox of fear
- 討論部份
- 被指責的人
- 書誌目錄管理
- 簡簡單單小確幸清單
- 醫療社會學
- 原子彈炸烏蠅之打牌矛骰仔典扇巧?
- 十六
- Sociological imagination
- 甚麼的人在破壞家庭價值
- 為何穆加貝夫人能夠入境?
- Comfortably Numb
- 多謝蘇穎智牧師
- 亞視迪士尼
- 江交棒心情愉快
- 蠶食 SAS
- 隔岸觀火
- 冷血的公共衛生 II
- 歐陸舞曲雜談
- Waiting for that
- 學者不易為
- 明愛事件關周一鑊事嗎?
- Statisticians are humorous people
- GMail & PDF
- 假如我是王維基
- Small little stupid update
- Spearman vs Kendall
- データ!つり!史上最高の作戦!
- 性與淫
- 如何令論文被《刺針》接納
- 20 萬人有躁鬱症
- 炫耀性消費
- How I usually learn R and PCA in R
- 自殺 II
- 消費券
- 自殺
- Discussion
- I have a dream
- 又再教訓老闆
- Citing software
- 大陸 Journal
- 繁
- 阿康,篇文去左邊度?
- The satanic church of stepwise regression
- Literature Review
- Linux 與狗不得內進
- 2033 與 160 萬
- 測不準
- 蒙地卡羅
- Miller Experiment
- Survival Curve
- 講課的意義
- Linear Mixed model using R: a quick primer
- 刷卡收手續費
- 梳的巧!
- Confidence Interval
- 考毓民、毓民考
- 契弟
- 每天在做
- 葉金川
- 你奶奶的
- 簡短讀書報告: Statistics in a Nutshell (O'Reilly)
- 香港選舉分析多吹水
- 統計學家與經濟學家
- 教訓老闆 meta-analysis 做些甚麼
- 婚禮革命
- 立會選舉一張圖
- 玩野咩
- 選舉電影
- 黎志強
- 狂妄者可主浮沉?
- one-number-per-subject
- 比例代表制 202
- Realpolitik
- p=0.06
- 功能組別選民投廢票宣言
- 比例代表制 101
- 誤差是甚麼
- Mathematically making sense
- 香港樂壇是怎樣腐化的
- 無恥聯
- File-drawer effect
- Oh my life is changing everyday. in every possible way.
- 茄哩啡的一生
- 99.8%
- 過度消費
- 選舉工程
- 認真請教自由主義者
- ライアー ライアー
- 對數尺度
- 民調又來
- 樂團巴打 DX
- 智利
- 馬爾薩斯之悲劇
- 站務通告
- 國際貨幣基金組織與肺癆
- 蚊
- 垃圾山和貧民窟
- 人到中年閱讀回憶
- 平安米共識與 iPhone 共識
- 甚麼是民粹主義
- Teknival
- 投機
- 送給不知怎去保護環境的人(包括我)
- Chest X Ray
- 也會怕有一天會跌倒
- 請甘乃威去看殺神特工【含內容】
- 甘與陳
- 空中樓閣
- Excite Stage
- 莊姐
- ad hominem fallacy
- Utopia
- 儲書會輸
- 張魯
- 標籤效應
- 談 impact factor
- Seee the future
- Anatomy of author list
- 許多新發展留待明日發現
- Counter attack
- 強烈要求加入誤導專欄標籤
- 它的原罪是它不是上市公司
- 他的原罪叫做太年輕
- 藤森謙也
- 男兒斷掌千斤兩
- 學術界流氓
- 恐懼之邦
- 深喉副局長
- 不好說的《承諾》
- 蝕卓副局長
- 批批
- 李白小時很懶惰
- 不反對通知書
- 乾物男
- 真係小勝?
- Poisson
- Firefox 3
- 十三張
- 押寶
- 甚麼是言論自由
- 百花魁
- 預測
- 封博啟事
- M$ Word Equation Editor
- Nobody will hire me
- 法西斯香港
- 傳銷業需要規管嗎?
- 「健康食品」何懼食品標籤?
- 少男性戰印傭案
- 火炬漫話在濠江
- 火炬漫話
- 國殤之日
- Best strategy
- 友誼?
- 原來我們回歸 70 年代
- 醫管局的罪與罰
- 隔代遺傳
- 甚麼是愛國
- 甚麼是人權
- 公民黨能打入新界西嗎之二:數據預測編
- 假如我不是男人
- 公民黨能打入新界西嗎?
- 再有怒火
- 只有怒火
- 建議路線
- 奧你媽的運
- 五香肉丁指數基金 Q1 表現
- 某年某日
- 港女港男
- 魔鬼大狀
- Overgeneralization
- 亜美ちゃんの初恋
- 閱讀 1
- 溫家寶
- 西藏革命救治香港流感潮
- 冷血的公共衛生
- 中華民國總統大選民調
- 流感高峰 2.0
- 當你用 Mac OS X 和 Linux
- 真心膠的 IT 人和傳媒
- 中五處長與 BSc 掃街
- 大亂鬥 X 新手
- 資本主義環保 II
- 資本主義環保
- How to report a survey?
- 大整肅〈第三回〉
- 黃禍 VI 之星島你福佳啦!
- 黃禍 V 之認同的話請寄出去 II
- 黃禍 IV 之法律面前窮人含忍
- 微博
- 黃禍 III 之風波裡的挑那星
- 黃禍 II 之統計分析
- 黃禍
- O'Reilly, please
- How to be happy?
- 大整肅〈第二回〉
- Eee PC 加 Ram 為乜
- CRI 101: normalization for clinical scientists III
- CRI 101: normalization for clinical scientists II
- CRI 101: normalization for clinical scientists I
- 派餅?
- 草莓當自強
- 大整肅〈第一回〉
- 書局
- Ubuntu 中文字型
- Every fucking pixel count
- Alice Chan
- 台灣
- 五香肉丁指數基金
- RMVB 直播王都支援 Linux
- 放火燒屋
- AIDS 1976
- 無助討論
- NY:R
- 遠東政治
- 客氣、善意的提示
- Smash my X up
- Linux everywhere
- R News
- 想做好耐
- 輸波研究
- 夠未
- 好彈
- 忽然天水圍
- Bread and peace model
- 溫書
- 鞭屍
- Sample size calculation using R
- Wiki 實驗
- Wii fit
- 首件垃圾
- 忽然眨值的中大 degree
- Facebook 回憶 II
- 真嘔泥
- 瘋狂政策越洋抗議
- 最後反智 Time Trend
- 成也反智、敗也反智
- Meta-analysis of 2007 by-election: Final Report
- 馬嶽
- Webclip 在選舉日應用一例
- Quote of the day
- 超任在 eeepc
- 成也民調、敗也民調
- How to report a research? 終極篇之 Meta analysis [更新]
- Easy to forget releasing the code, easy to violate the GPL, easy to get sued
- Stupid calculation
- Easy to burn out, Easy to get hurt, Easy to get bored
- 超簡單分析區選結果 II
- 得物無所用
- 超簡單分析區選結果
- How to report a research? 似 d 樣
- 家中網絡圖
- 野明
- How to report a research? 之話左唔好咁老定。
- 學生II
- How to report a research? III 之唔好咁老定
- How to report a research? II
- McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
- 摔角迷 II
- 摔角迷
- How to report a research?
- Hardcore
- Bierfest
- 維民所止
- James D Watson
- 請慷慨解囊捐助母乳育嬰協會
- 無聊漫畫
- 學生
- Danii
- FB 回憶
- 又中
- 重新認識 Mac OS X
- 《一個無政府主義者的意外死亡》
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
- 一匹布 Papercast
- Fonts
- 掩眼術玩法術都只因要避我
- 打橋牌
- 中秋月球
- 教學相長
- 撚開下道
- 這個數雖然小
- 這傷狗雖然笑
- Pessimism and Optimism
- 八卦
- 歷史學家
- 1985
- Meta-key
- 為何還要用 Pie Chart
- 人人唔選 陳乙東宣佈參選港島區補選
- 實port男
- 國民教育
- 馬大入學記
- 國際花生友
- 假如我是斌仔
- 執頭唔該執埋腳
- 貪貪貪
- 醫生 vs 紮鐵佬
- 心劍
- 崩口人忌崩口碗
- 0xe0030005 (UNDEFINED)
- 堅守專業但也須顧及世情
- IQ零蛋多毛狗
- 銀河醒目女
- 解讀她的病假
- 汪精衛
- Slow
- 嘔吐
- X-Process 2
- 阿撈B
- M型社會
- X-Process
- GC!J 0.2 Beta
- 大配角崛起
- 請幫手測試:GC!J 油猴腳本
- 拒絕沉默
- 令人失望的大結局:《無題》大結局
- 按摩城
- 手然火頁
- 性格缺陷
- Pareto Principle
- A picture's worth a 10^3 words
- SF小說:無題《第九回》
- SF小說:無題《第八回》
- 欠了的一張Graph
- 狂撐任天堂正版
- 巧Pro的樣子
- The triumph of the nerds
- SF小說:無題《第七回》
- SF小說:無題《第六回》
- 無合理解釋?
- SF小說:無題《第五回》
- SF小說:無題《第四回》
- SF小說:無題《第三回》
- SF小說:無題《第二回》
- SF小說:無題《第一回》
- on9左
- 慶回歸十周年
- 整死香港有誰
- 我只在乎你
- 毓民
- Benoit
- So I start a revolution from my bed
- 膠片
- Now she's a big success I want to meet her again
- 兩套港產片
- 紅天灰雨
- 通波仔
- Normalization
- 你唔悶我都悶啦
- 張立基
- 陳義過高
- Emacs, again
- 淫褻物品審裁處寄來的一封信
- 薩達姆
- 十年人事
- 急症室
- 首個廣東話條目
- 聽朝會有大把人話Safari 3 for Windows正
- 無膠袋日及無飲管日
- 美國的首都是紐約
- 部落格「中文危機」留言刪除機制
- Cyber Warfare
- Helvetica
- 忙?
- 救救中文維基百科宣言
- I hate Emacs
- Winners Don't Use Drugs
- 18年
- 研究者手記:圖一張
- 福佳慶回歸活動
- Why Foleo is destined to die?
- 妹妹唔見左之搵返
- 自X黨
- 覺得好熟
- Binding of Isaac
- 反回歸濕鳩年
- 明光思想
- 9900的代價
- 民粹左翼政府
- 政府做野
- 思想實驗:9900元是否見人格?
- 頂走個Flash video先
- 思想實驗:解話篇
- 思想實驗
- 聖經唔得去投訴靈山
- 自助背景音樂
- 性疑惑信箱十問+α
- 黑白灰.好腌悶
- 認同的話請寄出去
- 淫審處四條問題
- 康港死光社會主義共和國
- 死的都是豬
- 一寸短一寸險
- 眼高手高
- 死光社會
- 搏拉
- 傳媒治港
- Unless you live hardcore
- Okkusenman
- 港研塔利班政府架構 學者叫好
- 上綱上線實錄
- 當面罵
- 我想問你三條問題
- 垃圾社會
- 買買賣賣
- Hey Hey You You
- 全民激玩數位垃圾堆
- 無手尾52天
- Good writing deserves more comments
- 活體測試
- 今日MacGrass頭條
- 最低工資
- on99企定定
- 制止暴動,有必要開夠五槍
- 檸檬茶
- 2 words summary of April
- 只會指摘平民的環保人仕
- 統計學玩遊戲
- 香港仔公車
- 黑貓2之刺殺葉利欽
- Panda名
- This old man
- 和平、安逸只會造成停屯
- 【馬扁報訊】可樂Zero有益,專家呼籲多飲
- 原來我紅左
- 心邪
- MacGrass: 增長太快?
- 修理何文匯
- 落後國家聯合體
- Recurrent
- 口水多過茶
- 自我慶祝
- 馬扁報:兇手有嚴重暴力傾向 或患有妄想症
- 阿龍變得好樣衰
- Failed miserably
- 做好呢份工
- Poster Presentation: Further
- 沒有樂壇 只有娛樂圈
- Wrong in mind
- 如何食西柚之二
- Open Standard vs Microsoft
- Poster Presentation
- 400円の神話
- 扮勁有錢淨
- One tiny little Mac OS X trick you should learn
- FU, Spammer
- 點解耳筒咁易壞
- 非時事相關文章
- 堅將木
- Tidbits
- If you can only buy one wrestling DVD
- WebKit
- 專家促生果日改鋰鹽日 全港超過十八萬人受惠
- FBI專家: 冷血研究助理涉精神有問題
- 徐步高有病還是阿娟妹有病
- 討厭Mouse
- 案內人電鋸
- 好勁的數據
- 我死了
- 社會需要徐步高
- 跳躍之上這使團結囚犯車
- FUD: 電檢署監管不力 致肩周炎遊戲機通街賣
- 無聊之作
- 成本效益
- Napoleon Dynamite
- FUD再爆:影視署辦事不力 毒歌流入本港
- 教宗玩機之用Wii上網
- 扮傳媒講FUD之可樂Zero可致癌,專家呼籲勿飲
- 女星NDS玩老翻鐵證
- 如何食西柚
- 和電腦打橋牌
- Virtual Console Redux
- 二人燒烤
- 垃圾社會
- Pure biologist
- How to backup a fucked up Windows XP machine?
- 梁家傑計錯數
- Web-base/手機
- 離晒罩
- You will pay.
- 蒙古症
- 禁校巴啦!
- Outdated man
- 青春期的疑惑
- 如何清洗一個油膩的膠飯盒
- 要幾毒有幾毒
- Geek wear
- 心境中產,生活農民
- 低調
- 反式Para Para
- Bisphenol A
- 財爺
- Sidekick收皮
- Strong Password
- Ultimate GTD
- Monopoly再上路
- Lux
- 錦繡大道終極風雲
- Meta-organizer choice: Isolator
- 業餘Programmer - PyDomino
- 馬田史高西斯
- 超簡橋牌規則
- 我有理由相信
- Domino game python programming
- 盆菜
- 論理想
- Mexican Train
- Pictionary
- Reviewer
- 火土金豬
- 正月初二鴨記
- Starcraft
- 無聊Blog研究
- $63.8就睇清楚佢喇
- 懲人節
- I can be a spin doctor: Resurrection
- I can be a spin doctor
- 大自然環保寶
- 大生圍只是窮鄉
- 邱帶娣前傳
- 怎樣可以腦部空白一片
- 我不是梁啟智
- 誤導
- 南生圍
- Do yourself a favor,
- let's abuse "fuck"
- Prison Break
- Vista
- 跑
- When I watch Diggnation podcast
- 打工特首
- 第一手真相之嬰兒潮
- FAT32
- 十面埋伏
- Nodame Cantabile
- rmvb: issue with Real codec 10
- 音
- echo "upgrade" > /dev/null/
- 工程運算
- 錢
- Technical writing
- wget dorasite | grep doraemon >> sosumi
- I hate that
- 白色垃圾
- Sosumi
- Formal training
- H5N1
- How to lie with Statistics
- 屎撈人
- Alumni
- X個字的一個Post
- FOSS vs Commercial software
- 反擊Blog Spam
- What's inside your thumb drive
- 全球潮講我又不妨講下
- iPhone
- I did the wrong thing rightly.
- 十蚊廣場一個罐
- A poorman distraction free desktop: redux
- 陳靚太講中
- A poorman distraction free desktop
- Pro唔Pro以及人之Pro
- 奇怪對比法
- 商城
- 黃金甲
- 爛果
- 有如Y!記知識+的一個post
- 屎樣
- Revolution
- 那處境可會改變
- 曾路德
- 過來人
- 愛愛愛愛愛愛
- 上網失靈
- suspected
- 平安
- 愛愛愛愛愛
- 長江女神的啟示
- Data visualization series: API in CWB and Yuen Long
- Data visualization series: Warming HK
- Media Bias
- Numb3rs
- 天星方案
- 損毀投票的統計分析
- Opensource user
- 精神的鳥
- Cosplay OL
- 醫學「損毀」
- Keynote使用篇
- 講書/雀運
- 無聊小發現: Keynote 兩手準備篇
- 電子政府
- 克里斯托
- Evo/Devo
- 政治正確
- 人在大生圍
- Georgi Markov
- 又來鳥
- 平有平玩
- Windows + Firefox = Memory Leak.
- 鍾楚紅
- World Community Grid
- Statistical analysis of commenting behaviour in blog
- Virtually forever
- R usergroup
- 鏡頭及音樂
- 請支持曾特首
- 鴨仔無辜
- 黑心人做黑心事
- 鷺、鶴、雁
- 科學與毒 redux
- 科學與毒
- 畸屎來信
- 如果有一日我有無限錢
- 日月報新聞修正
- 非正式統計
- learn by doing
- 人在油麻地
- 潮寫之MOS Burger
- 不要面!
- 鴨
- 中港產婦
- 零保育
- 寸 of the week
- Shot of the day
- 忘記了blog的東西
- 無impact
- 研究成果
- 開會 2.0
- 最緊要正字
- 修理陳仲
- 有人的地方就有江湖
- 自殺
- WHO與中國人
- 求妳別死去
- 邊個比錢佢?
- 濕浮
- Kuru與Gajdusek
- 是日潮post
- Some basic statistics to crack "deal or no deal"
- 發明之皇 II
- 凱恩斯與佛利文
- Tesla之苦
- 護士之母
- 好人與壞人
- 發明大皇
- 掃墓科學
- 講故事
- 拜爾定理
- Fisher vs Neyman
- 垃圾Fax
- 非常怪的問題
- 經紀佬與大學生之落雨去離島離家飲煉奶
- 網上垃圾
- 呢單野
- Install more things
- 從簡啦
- 農夫 音樂大亨
- 陳仲康與陳水扁
- MacGrass見報!
- Install the following things
- I Hate Myself and I Want To Die
- 嘔完泥又點
- 要多謝的人
- 掩卷
- Convert rmvb to iPod on an Intel Mac w/o Windows XP
- Convert rmvb to iPod on an Intel Mac w/o Windows XP: Intro
- 可以給我一個原因嗎
- 券
- MC
- Akina
- 我們不是香港人
- 金戈戈
- 攝ability
- meta-organizing is fun
- TiddlyWiki vs text-files
- 少不打三國
- An inconvenience truth
- Paediatrica
- 失業第十六天之終極失業:回歸!
- 失業第十五天:Diaryland meetup 四週年
- 失業第十四及第十五天:別低估維基工作
- 失業第十三點七天:.8效應
- 失業第十三天:垃圾tag,我話既!
- 失業第十二點四天:你會想慶祝國慶嗎?
- 失業第十二天:Paris Hilton隻黑膠碟
- 失業第十一日:捧部eMac去CASE
- 失業第十點五天:修改wikipedia
- 失業第十天:轉個圈茶凍
- 失業第九天:一條鯇魚的故事
- 失業第八點一天:回朝時間表
- 失業第八天:法律面前人人平等
- 失業第七天:blog界熱話指數
- 失業第六天:四個字
- 失業第五天:搖頭丸可不可安全服用
- 失業第四天:梁伯韜
- 失業第三點九日:一切為何
- 失業第三天之Video Podcast
- Make it works
- 失業第二天之愈訂愈多
- Productivity
- Installed xubuntu in Parallels Desktop
- 失業第一天
- 傻仔教宗
- 如此寬頻
- Mac OS X軟件推介:Minuteur
- 量地科學
- OSes
- Mac OS X軟件推介:Write Room
- 垃圾演義
- K Post 激寫
- 用字不當排行榜
- 含忍
- Confide in me
- K Post潮寫
- 換馬上市
- 代通知金
- 準確無誤
- Must listen of the day
- 失敗的醒覺:二
- 書論館
- 雛妓港
- Emulate Gabe's desktop
- 失敗的醒覺:一
- Meta-organizer's choice: software
- Procrastinator's choice: Retro games
- Art creation project
- 辭職
- 失敗經驗分享
- 魷魚香
- 貼身軟件
- Out of Out of boredom redux: 30 mins after lunch break
- Palm人Palm事
- Out of boredom
- 苦中作樂
- 垃圾電影
- 一生中最怕
- 平凡之中找一些特別日期
- 答案一個
- 用錢智慧
- 問題一條
- 桌面 redux
- 你是甚麼人
- 不是我的桌面
- 人非點點
- 麥客觀點
- 統計觀點
- Player
- 視角
- 派彩作實了
- 摘星者
- Reorganize
- 硬食多一野
- 比死更難受
- 急就章
- Time machine
- 繼續嘔泥
- 小小苦楚等於嘔泥
- 背黑鑊
- 民智論之一:這個世界係咁架啦
- 嶺大包尾之謎
- 學術聲譽
- 得閒飲茶
- 影視短評 Redux
- 年年廿五
- 消瘦稅及串實建胸水
- 罐頭笑聲
- internet shortage report
- 影視短評
- Embargo policy
- 成也席丹敗也席丹
- 收左條靚
- 求
- 德國輸波
- 對上一口喝的水
- 最憎
- she、書、輸
- 乜李
- 奸
- 科學球真.誰可奪盃
- 願你能認出 六四時淚光
- 2 unlimted
- 科學求真.知識救港
- 港式好Retro!
- 面對現實
- 為何Cream要拍咸相
- 生活不美滿
- 生命的飲歌
- 偽MPH時間之Cord Blood
- 話左佢
- Bill Gates
- 偽MSc(GI)
- 簡寫
- Tetris之謎
- 無題
- 無線足球
- 游離球迷
- Managing complexity
- 世界盃
- Timing
- 壓力
- 我打死了一條大蛇
- Damien
- 無傳媒exposure
- 歸於我佛一小時
- 聞西
- 理工
- We need your help
- 呢個世界有更加多更有意義的短片
- 果條無賴阿叔都好睇?
- Tetris DS網摘
- 又講乜呀
- 李生
- 講食
- 唔鐘意睇咪唔好睇
- Chinglish vs Singlish
- 小甜甜
- 講咩呀
- 巴士阿叔
- Rock me Amadeus
- 玩字都是嚴重錯誤
- 無水
- 講電話
- 素心聲,找素玉啦緊係
- McJob Pro
- Spam對戰
- Router與資訊不公平
- 誰人想打風
- Human Trafficking
- 你會租歌嗎?
- 腥風血雨的老媽節
- 歌曲欣賞
- 馬鐵
- If you enjoy this, again....
- Fishball
- Tetris DS
- A tales of two routers
- Pulp
- VP
- iChat AV
- 誰可談性?
- 教育
- If you enjoy this one
- 如何可以不愛他
- 一手兩手三手準備
- 黑開有條路
- Caltrate
- More ram
- 要嘔一刻請不必諸多眷戀
- 抄
- Flat World
- 劉美君
- 搵工
- 這個下午
- Posing with vintage macs
- 查你天使 AMK Remix
- Black and white
- Game
- 廢
- ala
- Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
- Grass
- Micheal Dell
- 第二天:消磨
- 第一天:生存
- 休假第五天,上班倒數14小時
- 休假第四天,上班倒數二天
- 休假第三天
- 休假第二天
- 一蟹不如一蟹
- 1 Hit wonder
- 無緣
- 注意
- 903 style that vanished
- 我支持亞記
- List
- You're welcome
- Master/PhD值幾錢
- Photo
- Furious
- CapCapCap again
- 最煩的
- 隱瞞
- It only takes a camera to change her mind
- CapCapCap
- 政治安全
- Secret Agent
- 誰幹
- Wow 8 hours
- 我的忿怒
- 終於完成
- Media Players in Gnome
- This song is so great
- The best game countdown #9
- 最大分別
- Editing, finished
- The best game countdown #10
- on-the-go
- 反覆閱讀
- Very typical Hong Kong
- 脫期
- Linux新手筆記
- 唔比人炳
- Learn by hacking
- 男士今天你很好
- Valentine
- 死線與無知
- FF improved, but still not my cup of tea
- You will when you must
- Asthmatics
- Shuffle the Shuffle
- Parody PArody PaRody
- 低處未見
- 你聽嗎?
- A vs B
- Parody
- 影射
- 點解香港人咁冷血?
- 新年串串貢
- Samantha
- trustno1
- Titleless
- gee
- Learn to love a Trackball
- 最後在iTunes
- 姊妹
- 搬出這天地
- 聚沙成塔
- 呢鑊杰!
- Video Podcast與歡迎度
- iBook重生計劃
- 不就手
- 死得啦
- 路
- 清死貨
- 星期六日Home projects
- 我要我要每個人開開心心,痛痛快快尋開心
- Mario Kart DS? It's so 2005.
- On a Video Podcast Like this...
- Korean Scandal
- o拿,講明先
- Oxford大戰Prolific
- Post假的Garbage Time
- 終於推出
- 2 pruh juhdw wklqjv rq pdfjudvv iru a pdv
- 反對政改方案與反對政改方案通過
- 20蚊與30蚊的聖誕禮物
- 續.HKBlogger Survey
- Cheap耳筒支持者
- 續.古藉同學
- 修理陳仲
- 古藉同學
- 「輸」生論政
- 玩還玩要玩得醒目D先
- Marginal到Marginal的知識份子
- 2005年的風雲人物
- Offline
- You are still clean
- From Digital Camera: Last Sunday
- Also from Palm, last week
- From Palm, last Friday
- Sosumi
- L.H.O.O.Q.
- 人間才四天、網上已千年
- anal
- 玩死人咩
- Buy Nothing, do nothing.
- Vaccination
- I really can't help
- 意識流blog
- bloglets
- 咩類型人
- 4 liner
- Hakuna Matata! 令我快樂跳起
- PDA can't beat dead tree
- Palm圖
- 念你念到迷路也好
- 玩樂聲遮掩不了痛楚. 共大家一起苦笑麼
- 或者 絕招同途異路
- 論武功 俗世中不知邊個高
- 風雨中抱緊自由
- 誰預算情愛這樣難捉摸
- 專欄喎 version 2.0
- Congr8!
- 茶沒有喝光早變酸
- 真的東西怎會變得這樣假
- 夢想一切完美 夢想不會成真 不好過
- 寂寞中想起一個我麼 為昨天編寫一首歌
- 但我知你的心 盡是情感的禁區
- 我已覺冰冷又凍
- 隨幻覺隨動作 隨著急速音樂
- 明明是愛妳 暗中想妳 情人眼裡最美那齣影畫戲
- 在我內心中我反我叛
- 今天讓我再說一次「慳D」
- 青春與淚水 來不及回顧 和時間賽跑來去都匆忙
- 自信可改變未來
- 不再像以往那般笨
- 我看見私心將彼我封鎖
- 讓我心中安靜如水
- 男人是否都一樣 口中說的和真相兩樣
- 前途在遠方 縱使失望悲哀化力量
- 負了妳錯愛此美夢永遠藏於心底
- Remix乜乜物物亂咁dup
- 泡泡泡泡泡泡.......芺...../哭不出來...
- 白金升降lift 要搞搞red hot hit
- 要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思
- 不貼歌詞
- 我跟你絕對絕對絕對絕對絕對是個夢
- 把承諾交給你 把微笑當作信 卻怎麼也抓不住你
- 無奈你已放棄 明白了你每天仍在變
- 在這刻格外感自滿
- 開心嗎?開心
- 搏命晒 不必驚醜怪
- 每個決定可致命
- Shit!!!太可愛了吧?!
- 溫書?還是執屋?
- 越過痛楚 戰勝心魔覓自我 若有理想 那怕崎嶇實現我自由
- 面對舊時,看歲月燃燒
- 天有幾高 奮起兩手可攀到 假若跌倒 敢於挑戰再比高
- 爸爸, 爸爸, 我怕那風不吹, 我又怎麼了?
- Jennifer,Alison,Philipa,Sue,Deborah,Annabel,too
- 留下了打火機在車裡
- 如果天空要下雨
- 毋用自暴自棄一生更完美
- 誰了解今天雖不開心都唱情歌
- 將陣線將思想也統一吧
- 不要自作多情去做夢
- 他偏卻太傲氣 見面也不多說話
- 攜手可創造風浪,齊心關注定破浪
- 挑一聲真臭口,仆也找到安慰
- 網誌三寶
- 你所知的我其實是糞便
- WishList, in Wiki format
- 物極必反
- 告解
- 天才白痴錢錢錢
- 靜音車廂
- 他約我去食樹皮
- 責任
- Joomla!
- 年少輕狂
- 廣州音樂
- 萬家歡樂分分分
- 有借有還上等人
- Smart
- 窮得漂亮?
- 夠未?
- x叫y不要a或b
- 五個怪癖
- 天天極秘生活大公開
- Tracy
- 神經毒氣
- 星期一至七
- 阿力Cool
- 牛聽得明的歌曲
- Nothing
- Selfish
- Killer bee
- 土法鍊鋼
- Over-videogaming syndrome (OVgS)
- 虛與實
- 「會考不重要」的虛假
- 低能調查低能Conclusion
- 80s主流音樂炒雜之最(詳細版)
- Sick and quicky
- 80s記憶之不知名廣告歌手
- 不再臨時3之奉旨溝女
- Why Zero mouse button on Mighty Mouse?
- 不再臨時2之追龍
- 鐵甲無敵瑪莉亞(1988)
- My first legal download from iTMS, ever
- 星際鈍胎(1983)
- 會吹水、會騙人、會盲信、會蠢、會傻
- 不再臨時!
- 嘩!大地震!
- 你話我無厘頭,我話你訓醒on99
- birthday party
- 如何改變公私醫療失衝現像
- 愛的宣言
- 流水報告
- 黑獄斷腸歌
- 程序上要
- 誰人明白我
- 有悲有喜
- Bell Curve? skewed population!
- 一年容易又Q3
- 中國超人(1975)
- Podcast - Devo 2
- Precrime
- 廢話,一千堆廢話
- 解剖天天
- Why Mac/palm is a lethal alliance?
- My First Podcast, Ever!
- Instant panic
- 陳氏企業重地
- Track Change of the dead
- 塔利班
- 公開科學期刊 and beyond
- CMS之鬼: CMS r us!
- MacGrassroot前進,還是後退?
- 海上漂流記
- Liger I am
- Blog from Dashboard
- Dashboard and Blogging
- eat it, again!
- Where the wild roses grow #2
- 無題 Vol 1.5
- Archive these pictures!
- 無題 Vol 2
- 無題 Vol 1
- 男兒當自強和民運
- Stevie the space paladin
- GIMP experiment: making a google-like text effect
- Ten blogs that suck!
- 出糧與破產 2
- Where the wild roses grow #1
- 出糧與破產
- Freelance with Free Software
- Widget長期留在Desktop的方法
- iTMS免費下載推介:M.I.A.
- 扎拉維
- Pantherの悲劇
- del.icio.us 試玩報告
- 1 Stupid Loop - Quicktime Mpeg 2 playback component
- iPod mini 事件: The consumer strikes back!
- postnuke測試報告
- Geeklog: evaluation report
- Metroid Prime 2:我困死了
- 誰人迷信請用石頭砸死他!
- CMS: hosting alternative
- 生活淡淡似是流水
- Your messages to Kylie
- Paper Paper Paper
- XBox 360, PS 3 の悲劇
- Megamix
- Mambo, agogo
- iPodの悲劇
- 汽水機與GMail
- Microsoft's secret: Neuromarketing?
- Turn to the dark side we should not
- 阿爾蓋達
- Episode III absentee notification generator
- AppleStore Online (Hong Kong)廢又一例證:Tiger餘波
- 請槍文化
- PowerMac G5 is PowerMac G5
- Academic Game
- Anyway, another paper
- Mac software - Seashore Review
- Using Spotlight in Tiger to seek everything in your messy room
- AppleStore不平等條約
- 還原基本步
- Safari and KHTML: Technical difficulties totally overlooked
- Temp staffの悲劇
- 逐個捉
- reassortment and recombination > shuffling
- T.S.S.
- "You're stealing - it's best not to mess with karma"
- Reality-distortion field and creeping featurism?
- GIF and software patent
- 冷戰思維
- Correct nomenclature = respect
- Kylie Minogue!
- Quest for BeOS! Round Two
- Quest for BeOS! Round One
- Open Standard
- AppleStore (Hong Kong Store) : totally hopeless
- Collecting Browsersniff!
- How to f*ck AppleStore (Hong Kong Store) and still claim yourself a loyal Apple/Mac poseur
- How to have an affair with Microsoft again and still claim yourself a loyal Apple/Mac poseur
- 說說Mute這個Label
- 審犯
- 反日情緒
- GNU family of copyleft licenses (GPL, GFDL) and their controversy
- Four legs good, two legs bad
- Chainsaw has finished searching app with good searching capability. The search item was not found.
- 朗豪坊大戰花園街
- Why Safari?
- Poseur eye for the Linux guy
- Mac eye for the Linux guy
- Anti-intellectualism
- Sorry, your video tape is certified
- Sunday Bike Trip #2: 錦田河/壆圍南路
- photopress album installed!
- How to...
- Another paper
- 超英趕美
- 全天幕修改與Univeral Access
- apple cheese cake
- 全天幕修改
- Self Buzzing that no one interested to read
- Kämpfer
- Programmer
- 成名第n步
- Don't 謊!
- A entry that should be filed under "Sorrow"
- 一入洪門深似海
- 假期小記(一)
- We lose, we learn
- Mac Mini Mania
- UI analysis
- Don't own, use!
- Work Fast, Play Hard Bike Trip #1: 米埔(邊皮)
- 元朗一日遊
- This is evolution, the monkey, the man and then the gun
- 冷知識
- Why Mac software developers are great
- 不日成名
- 豐盛的生活
- Best of the best of the best
- Seriously, my EQ is below average.
- 阿修羅
- New list on the blog
- 獨守空城
- 南生圍郊遊樂
- The velvet underground
- A brunch of suckerz
- haha
- Minogue
- 官僚a和官僚b
- Blogger
- Brain hack
- Death trope
- The death of our wiki 2.1
- the dead of wiki II
- The only valuables
- Valen
- OpOpOp
- Relaxed
- Steve Woz forever!
- 致局長
- The power of collaborative editing
- 識得用原來好好用
- Borer, Laugher, Oddity and Garbage
- ///////////////////
- !!!
- 難分真與假 人臉多險詐
- I could not attempt an article in Englsih without similar assistance
- 搵食o者
- ScientistWannabeAnUpdate
- Don't ask a non geek to geeky thing
- Not Diagnosed Syndrome
- 2005 is a tragedy
- 有如果,無傻婆
- Decaf, Canto-pop and Foolish
- Caffeine, Rock N Roll and Science
- 關你撚事咩
- 給某些以為自己好醒的地球少數上網人口中極少數人
- I am not that geek
- 笑真的能死
- Wikiholic
- 王紹爾,我屌狗你!
- 誰屌狗了我們的特首? II
- 誰屌狗了我們的特首?
- 新蒲點
- Link-in Park III: In the End
- Link-in Park II
- Researcher's self medication
- Link-in Park
- 唱衰香港
- ……很賢淑
- HKism
- 10000
- 聽不到的說話
- Alcohol Sponging
- How to convince a reviewer to accept your paper?
- Can't get Kylie out of my head
- Sicko
- 肥上瘦下的原因
- 前途在那方 滿海飄蕩找不到岸
- 釘在人類史的恥辱柱上受後人蔑視
- Only deadmen could understand
- SARS, again.
- The battale of cold call
- 沒有真相 只有頭條
- HK -> China -> Vietnam
- 傳媒春秋
- 一九七零年代的中共
- 虛偽範式犬儒轉移邏輯
- Toxic Environment
- Dark Side of OZ
- A tribute to Yasser Arafat
- Watch this
- Summary of days
- Workaholic, forced to be.
- Root canal
- Genotype and phenotype
- Kerry!
- 當一切成了政治隱喻
- Jef Raskin
- Kerry & HK
- Jean-Louis Gassee
- 低傳真音樂
- 100K game
- The death of one is a tragedy.
- 瑪打忽卡
- The birthday of...
- 官方解釋
- Yet another publications
- Why American don't wanna vote for George W Bush, but they do vote for him? Part II: Statistical Perspective
- You will become an incompatible nurse!
- Why American don't wanna vote for George W Bush, but they do vote for him? Part I: Marketing perspective
- 悶死內容
- Goodbye, my hero
- For U Cracked Know
- Who abstract the things I come across everyday? Who abstract the things I come across everyday?
- Fuck the pioneer!
- Hack in a Box
- 慢速日記之Dark side of the moon, again
- The brief history of waiting
- 一月一日是中秋
- CR owns a cocker spaniel
- Asphalt Jungle
- 選舉舞弊的可能性
- 玩完
- For the sh*t that you do
- Cool and shame
- eMac at work
- 一言興邦、一言喪邦
- Real 20th anniversary Macintosh
- Di another day
- 香港觀眾疑問 #1
- Newsline
- Hyperballad
- 1200
- Press release from Government of Chainsaw Riot Special Administrative Region
- Day 3 without my eMac: 魔債三部曲二之雙蘋奇謀
- Day 2.5 without my eMac: My head was storming
- Day 2 without my eMac
- Day 1 without my eMac
- Delegation
- Reflexicology
- reportercide
- Hong Kong, really a geek land too?
- Crick
- Researchers drowning in bureaucracy
- Content analysis
- chainSAwRiotS
- re-a-li-ty
- Strange feeling in Chest
- 政治義弟
- 賭仔自嘆
- Brief History of Sport in Hong Kong
- 華仔
- Boring movie
- 題材乾旱
- 團結一心有新轉機
- 天!生我,才必有用。
- From Medics to politics
- 接任人選
- Dead can dance
- 思覺失調
- 1st july volume 2: Back to Reality
- 1-7 series volume 1: How to interpret the figures from mass media about the 1st of July 2004 strike?
- 七一口號指引
- 干涉內政
- 播毒論
- Nuisance
- 男硬女濕
- Axe Kill Arrow
- XServe
- Letter to editor?
- 深愛著你
- 十年河東 十年河西
- 今天天氣哈哈哈
- 眼書釘
- 一剪網
- 八九年夏天的那一場政治風波
- 年週五十四六
- I hate myself for loving you
- 害怕失敗 誰來扶助我
- 怕再次孤獨 獨我唱歌 誰作附和
- 恩格爾曲線
- 我心不死
- 數字說話篇:泛中國地區網上中文資料不太科學研究報告
- 遺憾巨星匯
- 瑟縮於妄想一角 尋覓實在是折磨
- Closure
- 企業戰士
- Smoke gets in your eyes
- Circulation
- 續駁文匯、星島社論「多管齊下為西鐵止血」
- Mahogany
- Visibilio
- 駁文匯、星島社論「多管齊下為西鐵止血」
- Red Hot Hits
- 萬金油公園
- Meetup
- Hi King
- The show
- Lifestyle determined by deadstyle
- Haloscan
- Cradle of Filth
- 悲情市鎮天水圍
- Paradoxical living
- Survivor Mode
- fROM A crazy IT story
- Minor amendment
- suck!!!!!!!!!
- 文化調查結果
- xxx
- damn me, ok?
- Very Ape
- Kurt Cobain
- Good evening, this's from the first record, most people don't know it
- Fooling with your heart
- 校長話我係反動
- The other *ucking dead end
- 更正文字
- Metrics: Reloaded
- 分裂
- F*uck 2
- F*ck
- It ain't rave music, fucker.
- 恨恨恨恨恨
- Secondhand computing
- 吾人唔鬼
- A story of a punching bag
- Eat you up
- 擊
- 去吧無謂再停留
- 腳眼級
- 40
- Lost in transcription
- Ghost Author
- Firefox SMO
- 豈能及漁燈在香港
- 科學員、科學園、科學猿...
- 床頭屋漏無乾處,雨腳如麻未斷絕
- Bowling for Hong Kong Guys
- Blogbusta
- 無論一樣
- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,oooooookkkkkkkkknib u y
- 猴年一大新挑戰
- 民以食為天
- Pocket calculator
- 二氯丁烴
- 無謂再仰壓心底愛
- 你我相隔多麼遠
- 對你仍著緊但痛心
- All apologies
- 歸去來兮
- Marfan 麻煩
- Stop this, muthafucka
- 要我受你閒氣?c
- 一起高呼Rock n roll
- DKK Ng, CH Chan, CKL Kwok, PY Chow, WF Lau, JCS Ho
- 背水一戰
- 難道我是神
- Last man standing
- Weirdo Weirdo
- In The End
- everything that has a beginning has an end
- b/w
- 190
- a short description or heading for this entry
- Video Kill The Radio Star
- 自古好人死得早
- `332441`43535
- Morgan
- 食呢行飯
- Explicit Content
- Scifi
- Need for low speed
- we098tyi4
- Preparation
- 邵氏兄弟X深作欣二
- Cheaper Panther.
- Chainsaw VS Eliza
- 活著受罪但是又離不開
- 兒時心願
- only fill this in if this entry is the first one on a new page, otherwise it won't be used. And if you're not sure what this is, just leave it blank
- actually isolated
- 很想將某些人肢解。
- 1.5
- 好撚煩
- I am crazy
- ooq
- 486rf8g8cuuj
- Mercury Toxicity
- Robotica
- Dick like Soundtrack Channel
- Mercury Poisoning
- Σ√?μ
- Stop Ranting, Start Folding
- Complain Complain Complain
- 讓無盡暖意回歸
- Neurosis Network you are!
- Fuck the artistic sense in my fuckin' mind
- Randomized
- 24 hours?
- /
- 實在沒法擔起這一種愛
- 在這夜我又再度飄泊
- 你的痴情 請勿繼續
- 請你收起一切相信這晚是結局
- 聽說太理想的戀愛 總不可接觸
- One way ANOVA
- Mann-Whitney U Test
- hhxrbvmncyysdfxter5t8thf
- 你老味!
- lasjkfgjdaggb
- 呢d野,我係唔會試架
- xzm,cn
- 無必偏偏玩謝麥高維治
- 刀鋸尾人
- !!!
- Fugitive
- 三級的夢想
- A short tour to my working place
- Ass face
- 老豆咪索茄
- Suck ][
- 遊戲規則
- 羊必聽命
- 事前孔明
- 玩世不恭
- 黑白森林
- 又不是八十年代
- OpenGL
- 生財yeah
- 荒野之死鬥
- 八月一日過一日
- 五位數
- 夜青
- 千雞變
- 利物普對港聯六比零
- Suck Politics
- save me
- Typhoon Tycoon
- Far, A long long way to run
- 6xx
- no place like home.
- qwertyuiop
- 6KSS Report 1
- Crazy~
- Nthng
- 6kss
- 8 bits 6502 CPU
- 0.00053%
- Tragic Kingdom
- Gldn
- Goodbye Adolescent.
- True Hero?
- fuck HKDAB!
- post 1-7 feeling
- I deserve better!
- 6K_slave
- 500000
- Black Web! II
- Black Web!
- Invocation Of Naamah
- Right here, right now
- A cup of coffee
- Revolution
- I don't have the right
- RA=Research Assistant
- Read me, Read me, my friends
- dizzy
- If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.
- Fth dy
- going under
- Fuck
- Sleepless in Hong Kong
- The Best Of Chainsaw Riot 1981-2003
- I love music, but Music hate me
- Polyu Fest,
- Good karma
- Fishball boyz
- the death of one is a tragedy, but death of a million is just a statistic
- 167
- Bio-electric
- cis-tran
- And we are soulja.
- Living for dummies
- Hollow
- 3600 => 38000
- Completed the race, broken the legs
- I believe in miracle
- Fuck me, Liar! (Modified II)
- dot com: When the Door Come?
- 6:180
- 5-9. not dog
- Smells like Chainsaw Lubricant
- Wings of the hydra
- 404 File not found
- Divine Cycle
- Pro Bono
- Tourniquet
- Bad Example
- Endless Debt
- Quick Lunch
- Quick note
- Every ten years
- Actualization
- Wake me up before you go go
- smwhr I blng
- Air Wait II
- Air wait
- Overprotected life is joyless
- 18 Years old
- 5x pressurized
- Recovering
- Golden 80s/70s
- Director
- A song for you
- Number, make the people come together
- Debt
- No more Freelance
- Ribavirin
- Domino Dancing
- Respire
- 484
- 968
- 666
- Wet Wet Wet
- 444
- Blog = Bass Log
- 710
- War Zone reconstruction
- Decapitated Invasion
- Fat Boy Eat All Day
- Anyway
- Sweetie Milk
- Grandma takes me home
- Independence
- 576
- Shadow of Jule
- Earn it!
- Scum
- 115
- Lazy Cat
- Dirty nomad confession
- 5K
- My life is so trivial
- Chemists have the solution
- Talking about power
- Boredom and drudgery are evil.
- I write too much today.
- Double Helix
- Infidelity
- Sub-working Class
- I am a debian?
- The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind
- Finally, arrived.
- Uptime
- I have tried, not to cry
- Good war?
- Why Bush?
- Luv & Peace
- Fuckin' auditing
- Burning Flag
- Walkaholic to school, workaholic or laziholic?
- Diamond Dog
- Shinny Powder
- I am a FRANKy person
- Sad Drive
- Repeating myself is a while loop
- Finally, I fixed it
- remaczination
- Answers
- End of line
- freak me out if you can
- Game Life
- 314
- Goat, sign of evil
- Beast and the beauty
- Doom
- Freak you
- EGL vs CGL
- No more war
- Psychological needs
- Drive me nut
- Preprogrammed Life
- Go for it men!
- Permutation of life
- Z
- Move ON
- Year Three should be my final year
- IQ, iKill, eye Kill
- Bad Cover Version
- so, this is safari compatible
- this is hardcore
- Paranoid personality disorder
- The arbitrary width of shadow
- Bass against the machine
- Rape me
- ()
- Thx. Steve
- Bass Drive
- Check Chainsaw
- Wait and Bleed
- Gen Be, Gen NeXT, Gen Why
- Future Dystopias
- I fucked myself even in the last day of 2002
- Sid Vicious
- Starfuckers Inc.
- Shut up
- Pennyroyal Tea
- No I don't have a gun
- Error Era
- iPhoto is a great app
- kozy Kape
- Implement Johannesburg Principles
- Sunday Best
- Underneath The Weeping Willow
- A better tommorrow
- Novio
- eMac
- France Five Jushi Sentai
- Espresso is a agonist drug for deadman walking
- Tommorrow never come until it's too late...
- Grunge and Anthony Wong
- Another great person in my life
- 3 am-ism
- PS2 of my generation
- Suck Date
- Tee Vee Bee Pee
- I don't wanna grow up
- Asian Butterfly
- All gold in one
- Time is ...
- About meetup
- Where did you sleep last night?
- Screw
- 23
- Poetry?
- Mechanical Animal
- All Apologies
- Cooling Desire
- My Music?
- A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido
- 24 hrs meetup people
- Stupid Garbage
- Counter attack
- Rave Doll
- Hello Hallow
- GEC 556699 : Telefishion and Life
- Cover of the rolling stone
- So Long, Farewell
- You gain, You Learn
- In Utero
- Triple Point
- The day is passed.
- See Dan
- Toyz
- Sewage Treatment
- One for show, two for money
- Nothing
- 1010
- Mind Parasite
- Just another busy day
- Stone cold anxiety / New Balance
- Get busy dying
- Collapse / Meetup
- National Shameful Day
- Dipolar disorder
- Sleepless
- Shit English
- Nast
- One sentence, a lot of feeling...
- Wild I/O
- Healing the wound
- lack of power
- tyuedrafdfczvcxvqwewqexbvcbx
- Why?
- Value-added trash
- So many things...
- Adagio for Strings
- Broken Glass, Broken Dream
- Red Hot Emotion
- Quality Assurance / Temp Switch to Unices
- 10X speed era
- Keep on
- 02092002
- Hive / Summer Summer
- The same X
- Sadly Sadness
- A Mac guy go Linuxing.
- To solve or not to solve?
- 345
- Gimme a break, Gimme a beat, Gimme a gunshot as well
- Writing during data recovery
- international day of suck
- Painfultainment
- infotainment, edutainment
- Quality
- Electronica, Stoned, Punk, Psychedelic
- Percentage Game / Regeneration
- Confession, again.
- Gimme a gun shot.
- Somecode to fuck myself!
- 6 Mixed feeling and good months, Python VS Perl
- Kurt Godel
- PSA, Black n Blue Day, full of tears...
- Garbage in Garbage out
- Lonely feeling
- Fight fire with fire
- Mickey no mouse please, ten years
- Addited to unordered list
- 5 am, 5 sentences, 2 words.
- Wonderful linkage of miracle
- Genesis
- Switch
- Suicide is the solution for real loser / The winner should be hackers, not Bill Gates...
- Microsoft Word 1.0
- $4 for Stability
- PNG and Nostalgia...
- Fuck or die
- Bugs Life
- Slave
- Vendredi
- Phone Suck
- Bitter in my month / Chimera / The romance of Darwin.
- This diary suck! / Mac World, Mac World, I can't no reaction
- Unleash the Unix Power of OSX ii / Decoding Fake Science
- Head on Murphy!
- Anarchy in Hong Kong
- Delta Force
- I'm a rubbish.
- Confession
- Ballistic Birthday
- Decoding Buddism
- Murphy's Science? / @mac.com / Still Remember PUSH TECHNOLOGY?
- Peer to suicide
- Real is still alive!
- Is Apple Dizzy Again?
- Neural Network
- Fuck the govn't! #1
- RealBasic - a object oriented version of Basic with visual GUI development
- Rock of fire
- Time = Money
- Fuckin' Serious!
- Fuckin' Hot!
- Bleach Boy
- Chinese
- Please wear Lab Clothes!
- Maki Tetris Upgrade / Fuck it up! Don't call me damn fool!
- Biocomputechnologic Probotanist
- Fact of Evil? / The only friend in para scene / Soul Gasoline
- P.S.D. = Positively Self Destruction
- Back to the \"Basic\"
- Luck is Suck
- \"Wish\" is a magical word
- DaDaDeDaDar, you are my hero
- Fruit Story (Simple Economics)
- Time Killer / Wonder of the Universe
- Unleash the Unix Power of OSX #1
- psychological
- James Brown is dead
- The son of darwin
- comix 3
- Nori Nori Nori
- de facto standard ii
- de facto standard - i
- XX
- MacWrite, Mac Right! / Life is Boring?
- Correct way of reasoning
- Up Side Down
- Shame on you
- Dr Love
- www.WaitWaitWait.com
- I have been cried all day long.
- That's all right
- Life is harsh, but life goes on...
- insonmia
- Memories
- Power to burn
- lollyjeanism
- I am a sucker...
- 4 Technologic Month
- Hyper Techno is all you need!
- The Zen of Para Para...
- Repsycho
- Attn: All my relatives, about Multiple Sclerosis
- I get along
- Whatz life
- Harsh Reality
- Muthafuckin' Hardcore
- Love Love Revolution
- Fun Software
- Fuck it up!
- Hit me! Smash me! Trash me! Kill me! Recycle me!
- 8964-0264
- Mixed Feeling
- Up Down Right Down Down Chu Chu
- Beaucoup Fish
- Schrödinger's cat
- Neo-Murphy's Law
- 1500K vs 40K
- 8964
- Sunday Special: Mickey
- I wanna dance, not dictation
- Fake Govn't, Fuck it!
- Synesthesia
- Eight fucking month
- So, I will be poor forever and ever...
- Faust
- Next Ig Nobel Prize Winner
- Paradigm Shift
- Freaky is not a reason
- Dark in the night
- Money Money for nothing
- push me boom boom
- Deep Freeze
- VCD is not OSX killer
- Born to lose
- The Great Wall
- Humanoid
- simply... fuck...
- The cease of para para IV / Degeneration, de-evolution, retrograde... no cure... no hope...
- The cease of Para Para III
- The cease of Para Para II/ News Story
- Cease of Para Para 1/Coma of Apple
- bad luck...
- Char's counter attack
- Xserve
- What I suffer? - Beach Boy - Target - Go Go Mozilla Go!
- Mother's day's sleepy boy
- Original Sin
- Apple a day
- Shame to be a HK Techno Head...
- Body Free Fall, electronic inform...
- No Longer VCD(Video CD), we have VHD(Video HardDisk)!
- Coz I miss you so much
- 666
- Hospital is...
- 10 days...
- Real Aqua Interface
- Allah
- 2 or 3 little negative but positive stories
- Aqua
- Story Telling
- A dummies guide to Para Para in Hong Kong
- Help!
- Camera Shy
- Ring-Linked Love
- Lonely Night
- Tropical Carnival
- BBP Square - ii
- BBP Square
- You're my everything.
- What you can do with 12 bucks?
- Baby Besame
- Mobile Radio
- *ucking World
- Grand Prix
- Periodic
- I feel it as well!
- Goal Tending
- Burning Desire
- Don't wanna lose you baby (aka. DDR)
- *ucking Sissy *uckerz!!!
- To HK Paralists,
- I don't wanna go
- They do me a favour
- Triple Point
- Wet Hand Experience
- no smart... foolish man
- Primative
- Really a kind of "Space Love".... But Harddisk Space....
- Surrender
- rippening
- It is still fun to compute
- A *ucker claim himself as a *ucker will 4ever be a weak *uckerz only!
- Fight For Our Empire
- Killa Man!
- Can't Take My Eyes off You
- Dynamite
- 1930
- Love is in the air
- True Love
- I am just a useless raging bull
- Tragedy
- Report of what i do today...
- 3 articles
- NRG Love
- Bid me!
- The official death of Netforum / LRT is your killer!
- Para Para Paradise 6
- Hometown
- Nash Eqm
- Love is just a simple thing
- You're my Tin Tin!
- Flashdance (what a feeling)
- Day Clubbin' / Made for loving you!
- Hong Kong Night Scene
- Robotica
- 181818
- Black n White + Initial CRTT
- Deeply
- Recon Mission!
- Boys Boys be my boys
- Sticky MonsteR!!!
- de-Evolution
- Shmily
- Psycho...
- Epicurean
- ICQ 3.02X
- You are my angel
- Worry!
- A tribute to my grandmother
- CC... The students are suck!
- Wise Kid I am!
- Neural Toxin
- Dread
- I miss you, my love
- Feeling of love
- Intimacy Link
- Good Morning, Darling!
- The Final Countdown
- Shine forever, Can't wait it tommorrow!
- White shoes for you, black bag for me
- Play with the numbers
- You are the reason I am
- Are you boring?
- Dream a little dream of me...
- 40 hours...
- Overtime... Overnight... Overwork... Overload
- Loop
- coz I'm dreaming of you
- Kingdom of Rock
- I am a superstar *uckerZ!
- The Weakest Link
- midterm...
- Praise you
- This is the way I used to *uck the *uckerz...
- Freak vs Freak
- Think Different is obsolete
- OSX is obsolete
- Grey => White
- Think Difficult
- Coffee Favour Chainsaw Riot
- The only way is up!
- Wake up and smell the coffee
- Wake up and smell the coffee
- Keep on waitin' ...
- bf
- Wonder Swan
- Lovin' you
- A little Qoo~ Story
- Orbital
- The power of X (iii)
- Regeneration
- Entrepreneur
- Scientific Explanation....
- Everything in its right place
- Horror
- GNU of our life
- Saturday Night
- Rich & Poor.
- Sleepless
- I love a scorpion girl.
- Cure
- Fight Club?
- Hero
- Oh! My life, is changing everyday....
- Big Yeah!
- Passion... 14/2: Something to you.
- rere...
- re
- monsteR
- Breaking the law
- Nu image...
- A tribute to great directors
- Beauty and the beast
- Nothing's gonna change my love for you
- Big Bang!
- Gamble Rumble
- Tech Para
- The official death of iTunes 1!
- The Great Escape
- So Many Men
- Bloody Valentine
- kobra is my killer
- Deeply
- Lovable Love
- Lunatics
- Angel of my heart
- Word Word Word
- RAW is WAR #2 Complete
- RAW is WAR #1
- Live a Live!
- Crash
- money go
- Superdance
- Hyper Star Energy
- Power of X (2)
- Power of X (1)
- Sexy Sexy Sexy
- Ale Japan
- Speedy Speedy
- Don't stand so close
- Add N To X
- Start
- Do Not Disturb Radio
- Dance in the fire
- Apple Pies Kill me!
- A tribute to Aphex Twin
- Speedway
- DJ Baam Baam Play the Boom Boom
- Memory Remains
- Blame me on!
- recombination
- Heartbeat
- Goin' on
- Easy Busy
- 26 till i die.
- Cocoon
- Kult-ture.
- Apple Seed and Apple Core
- I can be your Dee Jay!
- Higher and Higher
- What is Real?
- Deep Impact
- SCV Good to go, sir
- Jam Jam Jam
- Everybody go
- Monocrome
- Secret Passion
- Up down right down Shoot Shoot Shoot
- Celebrate, Redicate, this Anniversary #4
- Celebrate, Redicate, this Anniversary #3
- Traffic in my bed
- Celebrate, Redicate, this Anniversary #2
- Radio No. 1
- Celebrate, Redicate, this Anniversary #1
- Red Hot Zip
- night clubbin' 3
- Night Clubbin' 2
- Night Clubbin'
- Merry Xmas really merry and really X?
- Freedom!
- looking for love
- Party Girl
- King and queen
- You can light my fire
- No one sleep in tokyo
- Living death
- Born to be your angel
- 1 2 3 4 fire
- MrChan@FuckMicrosoft.com
- Fully Useless Careless Killer.
- 二百蚊出血任做
- Solid Gold
- Super Euro flash
- Cyber Dance
- Fooling with your heart
- Relight my fire
- Tolstoy VS Eddie VS Chainsaw Riot
- All Exhale
- Cantare Ballare(Happy Eurobeat)
- A tribute, again...
- Music eat yourself
- A tribute to George Harrison
- Music makes the people come together
- Excitable
- Crazy Generation
- Like a virgin
- Din Don Dan
- one for money two for show
- Depend on you
- Depend on you
- Music for the people
- Mystery in Love
- Hot Love and Emotion
- Face the change
- Run the fucking away!
- Insanely great Genius?
- Made for loving you
- My Family is my family. (Tautology?)
- Boys don't cry, girl don't laugh
- Arabia?
- Yepp?
- Grey
- Plato is me?
- 1984
- Deja Vu?
- You know what the *ucker sayin'
- Black Black Magic, I gonna get the feeling
- Black Magic
- 3 as a jerks
- Unleash the Power of Powerbook #2
- Unleash the power of powerbook.
- Comfortable.
- Flower Power
- Monte Cristo
- Digital Life is rubbish
- Flower Power
- 13988
- Para Para Lerning report #1
- Only letter 2
- Only Letter
- About this Diary and Para Para
- The start of this diary, also the end.
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