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Your voice on Hong Kong R Usergroup

Posted on Mar 22, 2013 by Chung-hong Chan

Public Service Announcement

剛剛我在 HKRUG 的 Google Groups 發出這封信

Dear all,

This group has been around for nearly a year. (I started this google group in Apr-18 last year) Actually, we have make some progress. We have 15 something members, most of them opted not to receive any e-mail from this group. We have some scanty discussion on R as well.
To reiterate, I am really a sloppy organizer / promoter. I want to know more about the fellow HKRUG's member. My question is, what can I, or we, do, to make this group more helpful and ultimately making this group more like a knowledge exchange platform (mainly for beginners) rather than a mere r-help clone. You will usually get better answer from r-help, BTW.

My questions are:

1. What do you really expected from HKRUG? e.g. you expect HKRUG a online-only group or with some face-to-face component in it.
2. How can we improve the HKRUG? e.g. You prefer facebook page/Google+ page rather than google groups...
3. What scare you about R?



給沒有登記接收訊息的朋友, HKRUG 需要您的回應。

Public Service Announcement 結束


自言自語 alert!


不知不覺 HKRUG 已經開業快一年。
此 group 由開業的 12 人增加至現在的 15 人,一整年有 11 條問題。在開 group 的第一天已置頂搞活動的帖,但卻是沒有人有興趣。看上去好像很失敗似的,但其實這已是我搞過最成功的一次了。
過去一年,我參加了本地其他的 Open Source 組織活動取經,也想參考一下外國的成功經驗。

我最想見到的,就是像 Boston Python User Group 的情況。但當然,香港不是 Boston ,本身我們就沒有這一種文化,故此我只希望這個 group 不會無疾而終。
既然今年的 4 月 18 日是 HKRUG 一周年,請在 HKRUG 留言,到底 HKRUG 應該怎樣。
有時我也不太想 fatalistic ,我自知自己不是一個成功的搞手,我很想將這個 HKRUG 交予別人,讓有能者辦之,我想一定可以搞得更有聲有色。我只想當一個義工,我比較適合當一個義工。若你有興趣搞 HKRUG ,也請到 HKRUG 留言。

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