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Eat you up

Posted on Feb 27, 2004 by Chung-hong Chan

For relaxing times, make it caffeine time.

I really overdosed by works yesterday, the busiest day ever in my career so far. This is the 1st time, I felt what the hell extremely tiredness and pressure is.

When I got my lazy butt on the bed last night, I really exhausted and want a deep meditation. However, boredom attacked me to make me played an hour of starcraft.I end up with inadequate sleep this morning. Caffeine is still my first choice. Caffeine in coffee further suppressed my appetite. It is a pathetic-size-effect dieting that I really don’t want.

Talking about money and work with my bed partner yesterday. Another hospital is recruiting a research assistant in geriatrics department who speak SPSS fluently and inherited statistics gene in his/her genome. The hospital will transfer more than 12000 bucks into that freaky guy's account every month in return.

I think I am freaky enough to apply for that post. However, I decided not to apply for that post. A research assistant paid 12000 but worth 10000 bucks is much easier to be kicked out by the employer than a research assistant paid 6000/8000 but worth 10000. You know, this is the only 1st year of my career, it is the only time to eat the fag end and the damage is repairable. I believe I will have my harvest in the golden age of male, namely 40-50. If I have to consume fed end in 40, my life is doomed and unrecoverable. Moreover, I am not really interested in geriatrics research even it is rapidly expanding.

I know why the doctors/lawyers required studying for 5 years in the university, including few years to be the intern/houseman/fm in the hospital/famous lawyer’s office. It is the time for them to eat the fag end. After welly feeded with the dirty fag end, their value increased with age, conversed to the average white/blue collars. You know, we devalue as we aged. The father of the famous and rich Lee Family in Hong Kong said, the teenagers should adopt a job with the salary of 4000 bucks. Yes, that’s true. Successful man can’t be that successful if he/she doesn’t have a history of being exploit and harshly treated.

14:55 - Friday, Feb. 27, 2004

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