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Posted on Mar 16, 2006 by Chung-hong Chan

  1. 昨晚到訪老闆辦公室,見不到他。將辭職信放在他桌上。我見大把人逃稅,故此人生有兩樣東西必然發生,就是辭職和死亡,無可避免。希望一切好頭好尾,四月三日沙田上班。
  2. 我是在沙士期間到醫院工作,做了快三年,正確來說是兩年零十個月。以現在的年青人轉工如此頻繁來說,這已經是屬於甚為autistic的紀錄。兩年零十個月內,我協助老闆出了很多文章,改善了文章的素質。故此常有文章出現在Indexed journals。
  3. 見到進入了Downward spiral的,開始步出陰霾。雖然只是萍水相逢,我只在他的站看Google新聞。
  4. This dumb-ass bought a brand new iMac CD, lately.
  5. I can predict in the next 1x days of my service there will be a period of doom, I need to finalise that hateful review, interview around 30 candidates of my sub (incl. those with PhD and Master Degree, I am a very lucky one indeed) and handover my work to my sub. I doubt myself if I can still have time to proscrastinate at work and update MacGrass. I hope I can spare some leisure time to update MacGrass at night, out of my lazy sedantary lifestyle. It is really a pity that MacGrass only get 2 valid bloggers. I would like to do something like Dustless but it is not quite feasible for MacGrass. It is because updating MacGrass is something quite high volume and required a lot of human input, it may eat up 1/4 of your leisure time. It may also damage your career if you try to update MacGrass at work.
    In fact, I am quite unsure about my commitment in both MacGrass and GNOME translation project after I pursuit my career as a research people in a teaching hospital. It can be extremely high volume as they really promote me from a "Junior Research Assistant", as proposed in the job description, to a "Research Assistant" as per my research experience.
    Time will tell.
  6. I should have a better career in my future position. You know, one of the largest university in Hong Kong bombarded with one of the only two teaching hospital in Hong Kong. A extremely large and exclusive donation from Hong Kong Jockey Club come into the mix of those research projects I will be invloved sooner or later. It is the best opportunity in Hong Kong, consider the fact that I only have a poor BSc without a Master or upper degree. Yes, it is too good to be true. I think I have done my best to secure the best treat I deserved.
    Eventhough I have promoted to such a position, the dog eyes surrounding me are still consider I am a dumb ass or sort. Especially those dumb ass still humiliate me for being a BSc .
  7. I am think to buy myself something for me promotion. I have seriously considered iMac CD (I can't buy a Desktop due to the Nomad/refugee nature of my current life), Mac mini Core Duo (I can't buy a Desktop, Ditto), a Linux cheap desktop (I can't but a desktop, double Ditto man!), MacBook Pro (I hate to buy notebook as it is too expensive, but I love to own a Notebook if someone give me one for free.), iPod HiFi (Unproductive), video-game console (UNPRODUCTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Cell phone (T68i is the best cell phone ever), PDA (What? 2 PDAs for one person?), smartphone (Smartphone is for SMART people, I am just a dumbfuck), et al.
    In conclusion, I will not use my new job as a new excuse to buy.

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