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Posted on Jan 19, 2011 by Chung-hong Chan


話說一本由 BMC 出版的期刊 Virology Journal 在去年七月刊登由中文大學兒科韓錦倫教授為首撰寫的文章

Influenza or not influenza: Analysis of a case of high fever that happened 2000 years ago in Biblical time

該文稱為 Case report ,即是病例報告。病例是在聖經記載的一位女性,患有高燒。作者以現代醫學觀點分析此女仕到底患有甚麼疾病。
此文在網上引起討論,最後期刊在八月時 Retract 了此文章。節錄其 retraction 為:

Virology Journal has always operated an exceptionally high standard of thorough peer review; this article has clearly not met these thresholds for balance and supporting data and as such, the article will be retracted. I should like to apologize for any confusion or concern that this article may have caused among our readership, or more widely.


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