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Cheaper Panther.

Posted on Oct 25, 2003 by Chung-hong Chan

Hey! Mac diaryland fellas.

It is very boring for the Saturday work, I emptied my brain soup to think about a plan. So that we can upgrade to Panther cheap and legally.

What we are talking about is good karma way.

As you can see, there is a version of Panther called "Family Pack". It got 5 liscenses in the box, but restricted to household use only. (ie. non-commercial use)

If 5 of us buy a boxed copy, then we can use it legally and share the price.

The price per se is (199 * 7.8)/5 = HKD310.44. Or, the one who keep the box give more money.

Seems to be a good deal!

I know we can download Panther from Bit Torrent, but it is a illegal way to use it.

Anybody interested in this good karma but cheap upgrade plan?

*** Update: 10:08 am:

I missed one part, this part render this plan illegal, what da fuck. Read the small words under the description:

* Family Pack Software License Agreement allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-labeled computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that same household. By "household" we mean a person or persons sharing the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. This license does not extend to students who reside at a separate on-campus location or to business or commercial users.

*** Update again: 11:20 am:

The plan update again. Just read a foreign forum. It is very common for people install family pack in Macs in different geographic region. Yeah, it is illegal.

But, what if people installed the OS in the firewire harddrive and travel around? It is legal, but ultilize the grey area of the liscense.

This plan seems to be hypocritical, since it is not really a good karma right now.

But the true meaning of this plan is support Apple computer but we have no money.

I think this is the optimized solution in terms of economical and moral, out of:
1. 5 individuals buy 5 copies of Panther Single user version. (1st choice, but it required $5000, $1000 each)

2. This plan. 5 people buy 1 copy of Panther Family Pack. ($310 each)

3. 5 people buy 1 to 4 copy/ies of Panther Single user version

4. 5 people, all download from BT

09:49 - Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003

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