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Posted on Mar 8, 2006 by Chung-hong Chan

  1. 很想報此新聞,因為內容涉及一個很有趣的中日關係。是有關蘋果(及Dell等等)為何近年會用到一些壞的Capacitor,而引致超大量的問題(例如iMac G5和eMac壞機)

    The capacitors were supposedly made using a electrolyte (insulating oil) from a formula that was stolen from a Japanese company and brought by a defecting engineer to China. The problem was that the formula did not include or mention the need for a critical stabilizer. Without the stabilizer, the electrolyte quickly becomes corrosive under the influence of electricity and causes the capacitor to break down and short out.

    假如此為事實的話,原來是祖國做生意手法的問題。Eat it.

  2. 在公共圖書館,竟可借到The Cult of Mac。借出紀錄我是第一人,Like a virgin, touched for the very first time. 我嗅到那陣新書味。開頭以為幾悶,原來幾好睇。
  3. 明天就見工了。抱著一試的心態,希望壓力不會太大。明晚又會去看黃耀明。請了一天假。至三月三十一日前,要清四天的假。當老闆和我說今個月尾Research Meeting,我心裡的邪鬼說:「這可能是最後一次Research Meeting了!」
  4. I spotted a Mac SE/30 in another neurosurgeon's office next to mine. Neurosurgeons and radiologists love Mac more than the paediatricians around me.
  5. The footage of next episode of Video Podcast is ready. The video editing is scheduled in this friday. I really think that it will be quite funny to watch in an infotainer point of view. Sound recording is still an issue due to limited budget. I can't afford an overhead boom, for example. So, please don't give a fuck if you can't hear my signitured (or shamed) riddle-like talk.
  6. Software choice for Windows users
    1. Ghostzilla CD - a must for secert web surfer, no installation is required.
    2. explore2fs - a must for Linux-Windows users
    3. Uninstaller of Windows
  7. I am feeling a little bit messy lately, for the Job interview tommorow. I just feel a little bit of terror due to something I really don't know. Few hours of WOW may help.
  8. Desktop Linux cannot survive for 28 days in a typical computer.

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