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This song is so great

Posted on Feb 23, 2006 by Chung-hong Chan

  1. I listen to this song day and night. It is very rock n rock with a very long metallica-ish guitar solo.
  2. 還有人玩迷你四驅車的嗎??
  3. I finally know why the people living in the city love to invest in a expensive thing called hifi. Or at least, play music loudly in a close chamber. Now, I moved into a room. Open the windows, you can hear the bus pass by, the ticking sound of the green-light, as well as the people yelling from the market. (+ the people in the house making a lot of bad comments) You have no choice to play music loudly to cover those noise. Lucky me, I got free Wifi access here.
  4. 一個常常到訪財務公司的人,我開始看到,到訪財務公司的人,臉上都帶有點點無奈,說得不好聽,我總會心裡暗笑他人,也即笑自己,是失敗者,腦中出現五個字母:L, o, s, e, r。財務公司的職員也有分開很多種。種一,多數是比較新入行的,他們會和你有講有笑;種二,是已經看得出,來借錢的人,是等你開飯的,他來求你,對他這樣好幹那?種三,不但知道客人是來求你,更加有觸覺感到這些失敗者,可能因為一時之快用多了錢,來這裡補鑊,根本就看不起顧客,他們很不想為你服務,故此給你機械人加黑口黑面的服務態度。

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