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R usergroup

Posted on Nov 28, 2006 by Chung-hong Chan

In HK, there are a lot of UGs (usergroups), for example hkpug(Palm), hkmug(Mac), hknug(Newton, still alive!), hkbug(BeOS, dead), hklug(Linux), hkwinceug(Windows CE), HKmmug(Macromedia), HKSUG (Samba), HKCUG (Clie), HKOMUC (Olympus), HKMUG (another MUG, but this time M=minolta), HK.NUG (.NET), HKSQLSUG (SQL server), HKPHPUG (PHP), HKDUG (Delphi) and even a HKBG (Bloggers) and HKPCUG (PC!). However, no R usergroup here and I think no R usergroup worldwide except in some universities. I would like to start a HKRUG (HK R usergroup) in HK.
R's learning curve is very steep and I think it is not easy for statisticians without solid computer background to take this up. In addition, learning R involved skills from data management, statistical analysis and maths. Without any support from others, statisticians may feel R is too hard to learn and go back to the point and click statistical packages such as SPSS, SAS or STATA. However, these statistical software is very expensive and not cross-platform. (e.g. no Mac version of SAS)
This message is directed to anybody interested in statistical computing, e.g. researchers, statisticians, students, housewives, spies, pilots, maids works in cosplay cafe, shopkeepers etc. If you are interested in R and find R very hard to learn, plus you would like to ask somebody for help, please leave comment here. If you are an experienced R experts, you can also join us to share your knowledge.
If nobody in HK interested in R, I will fold this idea.

p.s. Happy birthday to Mrs Chan, a.k.a. Mother of Micheal Chan.

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