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To solve or not to solve?

Posted on Aug 27, 2002 by Chung-hong Chan




這 兩天總覺得,有點悶熱,氣氛總覺得不太好,好像有病的那種感覺。可能我已經進入了齊克果說的感情外露狀態。但可是現實中發生的事,令我十分氣餒。也因此, 這個日記的產字數量也大量減少。也釦皒茼n好休息一下,享受一下生活,重新去評估一下自已本身的價值和用處。總比這種思想上的疾病狀態好。

今天試過用PC來玩一Floppy Linux Router,也想將FreeBSD安裝在一個舊的Harddisk裡,但用甚麼方法都裝不到。(安裝程式當機。)更加將電台用的Harddisk弄壞了。

Everything in my hand turn into shit.


Original : Burning love / D-ESSEX

Modified : Burning Disc

Wanna burning CD, in my ease of handy
I never try Windows ninety eight.
Coz it'll pop a blue screen, with the white words on it
Then my blank disc is gone!

Killing my home time, fixing all night long
just make my Nero to burning!
Using all mytime, no time to take a rest
Make me headache like exploding.

Burning disc, Burning Disc, it shouldn't be hard
It's like burning HOT, playing fire in fever
Burning disc, Burning Disc, burn em' all now
so I switch to use Disc Burneeeer....

Wow Wow Wow Woa
Wow Wow Wow Woa
Burning disc with a Mac, now! [free!]

00:48 - Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002

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