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Posted on Dec 9, 2005 by Chung-hong Chan

零五年快過去了,各大傳媒正急急Wrap up這一年。大事回顧、風雲人物等等,都是必要的,而且是長青的。
就算長大後寫英文Research Paper、送到各大國際Journals,這也只是在洛杉磯Chinatown開所中國餐館式的國際化,到外地仍是在吃調過合西洋口味的Spring rolls、Beef fried ho fun and black bean sauce加涷檸茶,租電視廣播有限公司製作的阿旺新傳錄影帶來看而不是CNN、CBS。做不到真正的國際接軌。因為我們仍在一個Spring roll一樣扭曲的社會。就算如何的國際化,貪其名貴穿得一身LV、Gucci,精神上腳仍是紮的,這群盲毛的錢卻國際化地流向了歐洲。中學生普遍認識現存的名師、學人是史Sir、June and Richard和李國章,而不是管軼、徐立之、朱經武,更加不用提John F. Nash Jr、James D. Watson等等等之名字。
在A Beautiful Mind這套電影,Nash想不通他的Governing Dynamic,他要求系主任讓他見一見愛恩思坦。
今年可說是有生之年第一次感受國際級人物的風采。我和Sleep Medicine始祖Guilleminault交過談,也曾經偷偷到訪過袁國勇的實驗室。別忘了我只是一個在醫院地位最低的General Service Assistant a.k.a. Research Assistant。

1. Choi KM, Ng DK, Wong SF, Kwok KL, Chow PY, Chan CH, Ho JC. Assessment of the Pediatric Index of Mortality (PIM) and the Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) III score for prediction of mortality in a paediatric intensive care unit in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Med J 2005;11:97-103.
2. Ng DK, Chan CH, Chan EY, Kwok KL, Chow PY, Lau WF, Ho JC. A brief report on the normal range of forehead temperature as determined by noncontact, handheld, infrared thermometer. Am J Infect Control. 2005;33:227-9.
3. Ng DK, Kwok KL, Cheung JM, Leung SY, Chow PY, Wong WH, Chan CH, Ho JC. Prevalence of sleep problems in Hong Kong primary school children: a community-based telephone survey. Chest. 2005;128:1315-23.
4. Ng DK, Chan CH, Lee RS, Leung LC. Non-contact infrared thermometry temperature measurement for screening fever in children. Ann Trop Paediatr 2005;25:267-75.
5. Ng DK, Chan C, Chow AS, Chow P, Kwok K. Childhood sleep-disordered breathing and its implication for cardiac and vascular diseases. J Paediatr Child Health 2005; 41: 640-6.


p.s. 身邊的人和事轉變得太快。有點消化不來。

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