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In your forties

Posted on Sep 16, 2022 by Chung-hong Chan

In your forties, you surely has concerns

Gates open, point of no return

In your forties, you pretend to be young

Changing job, the shame rebounds

In your forties, health deteriorates

you scream, no one resonates

In your forties, you’re worried about your parents

Having fear, that could be the last one

In your forties, your past mistakes set in the stone

1413 followers, but feel so alone

In your forties, the world is breaking down

Many souls, where’s the common ground?

In your forties, nothing really matters

Oh yeah, but I deserve more power.

In your forties, you proud of your h-index

Regression model: beta times age plus intercept

In your forties, you’re still a postdoc

Assistant professor? No, you are not.

In your forties, „ich bin Hanna

Mein Beileid, aber wo kommen Sie her?

In your forties, we have to be kind

My apologies, that was a lie

In your forties, nothing’s really new

By now, your life goes downhill

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