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Advent of emacs #25: How I write a postscript in emacs

Posted on Dec 25, 2022 by Chung-hong Chan

Bob’s your uncle, I’ve finally done it! On Nov 31, I thought, um… writing 25 blog posts about emacs, how hard can it be?

22,000 words later, now I know: that is like writing two research papers in three weeks. At the same time, I know now that idea is cheap, implementation is king.

The following program produces a thank you note to the emacs community.

(defun danke ()
  (mapc '(lambda (package)
			 (insert (concat "I thank the emacs community for " package "."))
		'("package" "use-package" "magit" "quarto-mode" "rust-mode" "helm"
		  "org" "vterm" "ligature" "prettified-symbols-mode" "key-chord"
		  "info" "yasnippet" "helm-c-yasnippet" "yasnippet-snippets"
		  "tron-legacy-theme" "solo-jazz-theme" "tramp" "proced" "biblio"
		  "markdown-mode" "poly-mode" "helm-bibtex" "atomic-chrome"
		  "flyspell-mode" "ess" "rainbow-delimiters" "flycheck-mode" "eglot"
		  "deft" "elfeed" "mu4e" "nov" "visual-fill-column"
(insert "Thank you for reading!"))

I thank the emacs community for package.

I thank the emacs community for use-package.

I thank the emacs community for magit.

I thank the emacs community for quarto-mode.

I thank the emacs community for rust-mode.

I thank the emacs community for helm.

I thank the emacs community for org.

I thank the emacs community for vterm.

I thank the emacs community for ligature.

I thank the emacs community for prettified-symbols-mode.

I thank the emacs community for key-chord.

I thank the emacs community for info.

I thank the emacs community for yasnippet.

I thank the emacs community for helm-c-yasnippet.

I thank the emacs community for yasnippet-snippets.

I thank the emacs community for tron-legacy-theme.

I thank the emacs community for solo-jazz-theme.

I thank the emacs community for tramp.

I thank the emacs community for proced.

I thank the emacs community for biblio.

I thank the emacs community for markdown-mode.

I thank the emacs community for poly-mode.

I thank the emacs community for helm-bibtex.

I thank the emacs community for atomic-chrome.

I thank the emacs community for flyspell-mode.

I thank the emacs community for ess.

I thank the emacs community for rainbow-delimiters.

I thank the emacs community for flycheck-mode.

I thank the emacs community for eglot.

I thank the emacs community for deft.

I thank the emacs community for elfeed.

I thank the emacs community for mu4e.

I thank the emacs community for nov.

I thank the emacs community for visual-fill-column.

I thank the emacs community for eval-in-repl.

Thank you for reading! 1 2

  1. As the final footnote of this series: On day 17, I said I should make ess-rproj a minor mode. It’s now really a minor mode

  2. I think I need one more footnote: I hope that there would be a tool to edit animated gif in emacs. byzanaz-record was used to record all gifs in this series. But I can’t find a good visual tool to edit those gifs. I have tried to hack together a Shiny app for editing gifs, but the magick R package threw me a lot of segfaults. I ended up using the online editor ezgif. Also, I should have use a tool such as screenkey which displays the keys that I have typed. 

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