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Posted on Oct 30, 2003 by Chung-hong Chan



Well, this is a cleaning night.

The wong's/"chan intercepted" family got plenty of Apple White Products, namely, a eMac, a iBook and 2 iPods. However, all of them are started to age. Become dirty slowly, no longer a white product. Yellowish, even greyish white is the outlook of the machines and it is very bad in perception.

Well, remember in 80s, Tsang Sir suggested a "Chemical X"1 to clean the plastic/metal products in the TV shows.

We tried to use this "Chemical X" to clean the white products. The result is phenomenal!

A one year old eMac Keyboard turned white again. well, no as white as the new, as least better than before.

Not yet scheduled next step is use Chemical Y2 to clean the scratches on the chromiun side of iPod. Also, "Mechanical force Gamma"3 can be used to clean up the rest of dirt inside the white keyboard and the monitor part of the eMac.

1: Chemical X = Colgate Toothpaste
2: Chemical Y: Brasso Brass Cleaner, selling for ten dollars per litre.
3. Mechanical Force Gamma: Pulling force from the wind of vaccum cleaner.

Hey! Why these common things can't give a scifi name?

21:18 - Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003

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