It is insanely great that I finish a "wonderful linkage of miracle".
I set up a FTP in my girlfriend's PC and transfer all the data to the firewire external harddisk of my Powerbook. In total, 5G of data is transfered and it consumed me 5 hours to do so. In fact, the main reason for take up so long time is that, the PC is really unstable and drive me crazy. Always halt! Just like a suicidal bomber, bomb 7 times with 5 hours! But my powerbook seem quite rock solid stable.
Halt just one time due to overheat. I have figure out why my powerbook always halt and I am think some solution for the panic.
All in all, I backup all the data of my gf. So, count down to the switch, from a Packard Bell Pentium II PC to a Apple eMac.
And I am really tire to work overnight, and I am still in my gf home. I think I better take a rest.. with my lovely gf now.
04:53 - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002