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2021 Wrapped: R edition

An R Package Developer Prepares

In case you don't know: the title is a play on Stanislavski's "An Actor Prepares" (Работа актёра над собой)

Five ways I use Git / Github

Read the previous articles on R package development: software testing, development environment

I can't believe this blog is 20 years old

How I prepare ICA papers (or other APA papers): papaja, condensebib, trackdown

The title is a click-bait of course. This is like the logical sequel to my another post on how to create virtual conference videos.

A One-person Agenda for Open Review in Communication

Hi! My name is nobody and this is my take, which you can safely ignore, on the current Open Communication Science discussion. Having said so, my personal opinion does not represent any organization I am affiliated with.

Dockerize oolong, or dockerize any Shiny app

Structure and Interpretation of Software Testability

OKR #5 and read #8

Make science boring but attractive again

Make science boring again

OKR #4

Read #7: Science, clear, low countries, graduate school, English, C++

C++ as a second language from an R programmer's perspective

OKR #3

Wie repariert man einen Trackball (oder eine Maus, oder ein Zeigegerät)?

Laut diesem Blog nutze ich Trackballs seit 2006. Viele Trackballs werden mit dem Daumen verwendet. Die verwendung gefällt mir nicht, da der Daumen mir weh tut. Ich kaufe immer den Logitech Marble Mouse, weil man mit dem Zeigefinger einfach verwend...

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